Blankley John 1660 of Plungar will

John Blanckley of Plungar 1660 Will

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1660

October the 24th 1650

In the name of God amen I John Blanckley of Plungar in the County of Lester Yeoman beinge sicke in body but of good and perfect memory thankes be given to god doe thus make and ordaine my last will and testament in manner and forme following

Imprimis I bequeth my soule into the hands of Allmighty god hoping to be saved by his mercy in his only sonne Jesus Christ and my body to be buried in the Churchyard of Plungar

It I give unto my sone William Blanckle three score pounds to be paid the one halfe at the years end after my decese and the other halfe at tow years end

It I give unto my sone Henery Blanckley the new milston and in lue thereof he shall pay to his brother William and to his brother Richarde eatch of them twenty shillings within halfe a yeare after my desese

It I give unto my daughter Anne three score pounds thirtie pounds to be paid uppon the day of her marriage and thirty pounds to be paid within a month after shee be delivered of her first Child if shee live soe longe

It I give unto my sone Richard Blanckle fifty five pounds to be paid within a year after my desese

It I give unto my daughter Als Blanckle fifty five pounds in money and the one half to be paid uppon the day of her marriage and the other halfe within a month after shee be delivered of her first Chilld if shee live soe long

It I give unto my daughter Elizabeth one Cowe

It I give unto my brother Hugh Smith Children one cowe and lam amongst them

My will is that my son Henery Blackle Children shall have amongst them one ewe and tow lams and my will is William Robinson my granchild shall have one ewe lam

It I give unto John Blanckle my granchild my yongest fole

It I give unto Robert Charrity and to Elizabeth Charrity twelve pence a peese

It I give unto my sone Thomas wife and to my sone Henery wife each of them half a crowne and my will is that my wife shall have the … to dispose of at her plesur

It my will is that Hugh Smith Children shall have a heffer amongst them

And All the rest of my goods unbequethed I give unto my wife and to my sone Thomas Blanke Whom I doe make my full and Sole Executrix she seeing my body desently and orederly brought to the ground as besems a man of my calling but my will is that if my wif should marry againe and Change my name then my will is that my sone Thomas shalbe my full executerix and my wife to have nothinge but what the law will afford her

Wherunto I have sete my hand the day and year above written

                                                                                                         John Blanckle marke

John Parnham

William Orson


Probate 21 February 1660/1