Broddell John 1623 of Nether Broughton will

John Broddell of Nether Broughton 1623 Will

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1623/16

The top few lines of this will are missing, along with the right hand end of another five lines

health and memories thanks be geven to god therefore doe [third of a line missing]

Firste I bequeath my Soule to Allmightie god my maker, & to Jesus Christe my only [almost third of a line missing] receive forgiveness of all my sinnes, And I committ my bodye to the earthe from whence it [quarter of a line missing]

Item I give to the pore of Nether Broughton to be Devided at the discretion of my executrix [quarter of a line missing]

It my will full intent & meaninge is that Vinca [?] my welbeloved wife [about four words missing] Inioye all goodes chattels & lands and all my meanes in Nether Broughton or els where towards the bringing up of my children & discharging of my depts untill such time as my daughter Margaret Broddell shall come to the age of twentie & one yeares, or els untill the day of her marriage whether [sic] of two times shall first happen to come

And allso my will is that my welbeloved wife aforesayde shall have hold & inioye all that halfe oxgane of land which I bought of Raphe Watkins with all the profits & comodities therto belonginge together with a convenientplace to dwell in within the house wherein I nowe dwell for & during all the time of her widowhoode after my decease

Item I geve & absolutely bequeathe to Margaret Broddell my daughter all my lands & tenements in Nether Broughton aforesayde together with their & everye of their appertenances (Except that estate which is before bequeathed to Vinca my wellbeloved wife before in these presents Expressed & comprisede) To have & to hold to my sayd daughter Margaret & the heires of her bodye lawfully begotten for ever And for want of such issue of my sayde daughter my will is that the premises shall enure be & remaine to Alice Broddell my daughter & to her heires forever

Allso my Will & minde is that my daughter Margaret shall pay to my daughter Alice the sum of fortie pounds at the mariage day of my daughter Margaret or els when my daughter Margaret shall cum to the age of one & twentie yeares the whether of two times shall first come

It I geve and bequeath to my daughter Alice Broddell all the one halfe of my goods cattels & chattels to be payd to her at the day of her mariage or els when she shall come to the age of one & Twentie yeares Whether of the times shall first happen (I meane all my goods cattels & chattels beinge Equally devided between my lovinge Wife & her & she to have the one halfe)

Allso I geve to my Brother Edmunde Broddell to his children sixe shillings & eight pence a peeice to be payde to my sayd Brother to the use of his sayde Children as they shall accomplish the age of twelve yeares

Item I geve to Catherine Bell one ewe & lambe to be payde to her use at May day next after my decease

Itm I geve to Thomas Blankly my godsonn one ewe & lambe to be payde to his use at May day next after my decease

All the rest of my goods cattels & chattels my debts being payd and legacies discharged & funerall Expences performed I geve to Vinca my lovinge Wife Whom I make my sole & lawful Executrix of this my last Will & testament renouncinge & utterly disclaiminge all former Wills Whatsoever

And I doe by thes presents appoint by my neighbourly request Henry Browne & John Wright of Nether Broughton yeomen Supervisors of this my last Will & Testament to see that this my sayde Will in all points & to all intents and purposes be performed further my will is that eyther of my overseers shall have for their paines about this my last will & testament three shillings & four pence a peece

                                                                                                         Jhon Braddell [sic] his hande & seale

Reade Sealed & Subscribed in the presence of us wittnessess

Henry Browne [his mark]

John Wright [his mark]

Danniell …

Probate 23 September 1623
