Michael Brown of Nether Broughton 1847 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1847/30
This is the last Will and Testament of me Michael Brown of Nether Broughton in the County of Leicester Farmer and Grazier
I Give and devise All my lands hereditaments and real and personal Estate of what nature or kind soever situate at Nether Broughton aforesaid or elsewhere subject to my just debts and the payment of my funeral and Testamentary Expenses unto my two sons in Law Richard Hill Park of Nether Broughton in the County of Leicester Farmer and Grazier and John Bell of Hickling in the County of Nottingham Farmer and Grazier and their Heirs and Assigns for ever In Trust to permit my Wife Sarah Brown to have the use and enjoyment of the same during the term of her natural life and after her decease to sell and divide the same into five equal parts and to pay two of such parts unto my Son Thomas Brown & one of the remaining three parts to each of my three daughters Elizabeth Wife of the said John Bell Sarah Wife of the said Richard Hill Park and Mary Ann Brown respectively for their own absolute use and benefit But if any of them should die unmarried before the decease of my said Wife Sarah Brown His or her share shall be equally divided amongst the Survivors But provided my Son Thomas Brown is married before that time He shall be allowed to leave and Will his share to whom he shall think proper
And I appoint the said Richard Hill Park and John Bell Executors of this my Will And I hereby declare that the receipts or receipt of my said Trustees and Executors or their Heirs and Assigns shall be a sufficient discharge to the Purchaser or Purchasers for his or their Purchase money and that such Purchaser or Purchasers shall not be bound to see to the application or answerable for the misapplication thereof
And I declare that neither of my said Trustees and Executors shall be answerable for the acts receipts or defaults of the other of them nor for any loss which may happen Unless the same may happen though his or their wilful default and that each of my said trustees and Executors may retain and allow to each other all Costs and Expences which they may incur in or about the Execution of the Trusts of this my Will or incident thereto
And Lastly I revoke all former Wills by me made
In Witness whereof I the said Michael Brown the Testator have hereunto set my hand and Seal this second day of January One thousand eight hundred and forty three
Michael Brown
Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the above named Michael Brown as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereto Subscribed our names as Witnesses
Thomas Binks
Thomas Peters
Elizabeth Wright
Melton Mowbray 17 August 1747
John Bell of the Parish of Nether Broughton [sic], Farmer the sole surviving executor in this will named was duly sworn to the truth & faithful performance thereof as usual & that the goods chattels & credits of the deceased without deducting anything owing by him therefrom do not amount in value to the sum of 300£ & that the deceased died on the 13th day of April last past
Before me J Healy Surrogate to the Archdeacon
21st Augt 1847
Orig Will exhibited before the Rev Jemson Davies Clerk MA & Probate decreed to pass Seal to the above named John Bell in the presence of
John Stockdale Hardy Registrar
Same day Probate dated