William Caverley of Harby 1596 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/217
In the name of god Amen the xth of December Anno dni 1596 and the xxxix yeare of the Raygne of our Soveraigne ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god of England France And Irelande Quene defender of the fayth &c I William Caverly of Harby in the Countey of Leicester laborer beinge sick of bodey but in good and perfect remembrance thanks to be Allmighty god do ordayne and make this my last will and Testament in manner and fourme followinge
First and especially I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Allmighty god my Creator and redeemer and mye bodey to be buried in the Church yarde of Harbye at the discretion of me executor
Imprimis I give to Peter Hawsebrocke my Sonne in law one strike of barley and one strike of pease to be delivered to hym within one Twelve moneth next after my decease bye my executor to be payed
Itm I give to the foure Childrene of the said Peter vid George, Nicolas, John & Syscely Hawsebrocke to eyther of them sixpence
Itm I gyve to Thomas Coop [sic] the part of the lands which he hath now in occupation during the end and determination of the lease which now I hold
Item I give to the fyve Children of the said Thomas Cooper vid William, Thomas, John, Elsabeth and Katherine to eyther of them vid
Itm I give to Rychard Hawsebrocke
iiis iiiid to be payed … to his brother Peter
Itm I give to Thomas Hawsebrocke iiis iiiid and to his Sonne iiiid which legacey is not to be payed to the said Thomas nor his child except it be demanded of my executor by hymselfe
Itm my will is that John Pullis shall have the halfe of my goods which I do leave with my executor
Itm I give to Elsabeth Coop one platter which her mother did will she should have
All the rest of my goods unbequeathed my detts being payed my funerall discharged and this my last will and testament fulfilled I give un bequeath to Joyce Hawsebrocke my daughter in law whom I make my Executor of this my last will and Testament and I appoint John Woode and Willm West the supvisers of this my last will and Testament to see that it be fullfilled accordinge to my mynde and they to have for their paynes eyther of them iis theis being witnesses Henry Whellsley, John Woode
Itm I give … … xiid
Itm my will is that my executors shall bestowe of the poore of Harby the teese of one Stricke of Corne at my funerall
Their being witnesse
Henry Whellsely
John Woode
The marke of William Caverley
Probate 14 January 1596/7