Thomas Cam of Harby 1618 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1618/31
In the name of god amen Ano dni 1617 the xxvith day of February in the yere of the Raigne of our moste gracious Sovraigne lord James by The grace of god of England France and Ireland King defender of the Faythe &c the xvth and of Scotland the one and fyftyth I Thomas Came of Harby in the County of Leic yeoman (knowing my selfe to growe in yeares and beinge weake of bodye but wholl and sound in Faythe and memory praysed be almighty god therefore And further knowinge that all fleshe must dye and that the hower of deathe is uncertaine often tymes hapeninge when yt is least expected) I doe therefore ordeyne & make my last will and Testament in maner & forme following
First I Comend my Soule to Almighty god the maker & redeemer thereof trusting in him onely to be saved through a lyvely Faythe in Christe Jesus and my body to the Earth from whence yt Came to be buryed where yt shall please my executors
Itm I give to my daughter Jane (the wyfe of James Holmes) vis viiid for the residue of her porcon
Itm I give to my daughter Elizabeth (the wyfe of Willm Burton) vis viiid for the residue of her porcon
Itm I give to my daughter Dorothy (the wife of Thomas Whyte) iiis iiiid over & besides the mony which I owe to her husbande for the residue of her porcon
Itm I give to Margery Banderward the naturall daughter of my daughter
Elizabeth fyve pounds
Item I give to Thomas Collishawe of Claxton iiis iiiid
Itm my will is that all the residue of my goods & Chattalls (after that my debts and legacyes are payd And my Body brought to the grounde) shall be devyded in foure equall partes and shall then remaine to Margaret my wyfe and my Three Sonnes viz Mathew, Willm and Thomas, to every of them a lyke porcon
And my will & mynd is further That my said Sonne Willm shalbe reputed as Tenant to the Tenemente with the thappurtenances wherein I dwell and shall be preferred to the takeinge thereof before any other (after the yeres are expired in my lease) yf my lorde & his officers shall then thinke good to allow thereof
And I ordeyne and make Margaret my wife and Mathew my sonne Joynt executors of this my last will & Testament
In Wytnesse whereof I have hereunto put my hand & Seale the day & yere above written
The marke & seale of Tho: Came
Theis being witnesses
Thomas Storer script
Thomas Collishaw
Probate 10 August 1618