Margerie Casse of Eastwell 1598 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/219/95
In the name of god amen the twentie & fowerth day of December in the fortie and one yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god of England France & Ireland Queene defender of the fayth &c Margerie Casse of Estwell in the countie of Leycester wyddowe beinge in perfect memorie doe make & constitute this my last will and testament in manner & forme followinge viz
First I desire my Lorde & Saviour Jesus Christe to receive my soule into his hevenlie habitacon
And for the disposinge of my temporall goodes first I geve & bequeath to everie Cottager dwelling within the parishe of Estwell aforesayd one pecke of rye & barlie
Itm I geve & bequeath to my Sister Joane Cooke wyddowe twoe stryke of rye & twoe stryke of barlie
All the rest of my corne & … in … … … and in & upon my hovell and all my corne now sowed & growing upon the grounde I geve & bequeathe to my fower children viz John Mason and Willm Mason my sonnes & Grace & Jane my daughters
Itm I geve & bequeath to my twoe sonnes John Mason & Willm Mason equallie betweene them all this yeares profetts of my land leyes my eddowe & pasture within the parishe & fields of Estwell beinge not sowed
Itm I geve to my sonne John Mason one Cofer standing in the parler and one Barrell that is in the chamber
Itm I geve to my sonne John Mason his daughter Elizabeth the biggest of my twoe kettles
Itm I geve to my sonne Willm Mason his daughter Jane the best of my pewter platters & one sawcer
Itm I geve to my twoe daughters Grace & Jane one sawcer & fower platters one pott & twoe kettles
Itm I geve to Barbara Sharpe my servant one pewter candlestick & one Ambrye & one ale tubb
Itm I geve to my daughter Jane the waynscott in the hale one payre of Cobirons and one goose and a pestle & a morter
Itm I geve to my daughter Jane my blacke cowe
Itm I geve to my sonne John Mason a forme in the hale & to my sonne Willm Mason the table in the hale and the lead in the kitchin
Itm I geve to my sonne John Mason the greate spitt and the bedsted which I lye one with the paynted clothes about it and my new tubb
Itm I geve to my sonne John Mason my rugged cow & one swine and one peece of wood under the hovell
Itm I geve to my daughter Grace one payre of pothooks the fier iron the little spit a short hooke and the other bedsted & the paynted clothes about it and my brinded cowe
Itm I geve to my daughters Grace & Jane all my beddinge & lynnes
Itm I geve to my sonne Willm Mason my sheepe fatt & a tubb in the kitchine and my Starred heifer
Itm I will that my brinded heifer be sold to paye my detts
Itm I geve to my sonne John Masons sonne Willm the Lamme hogg which the sayd John winters
Itm I geve to my two foresayd sonnes & my twoe foresayd daughters three yowes & one lamme hogg
Itm I geve to my sonne Willm Masons daughter Jane one henne and to my two daughters Grace & Jane all the rest of my hennes
Itm I geve twoe partes of my hovell & pales to my sonne William Mason & the rest of the sayd hovell & pales to my other three children above named
Itm I make my twoe sonnes John Mason & Willm Mason my executors of this my last will & testament
Probate 1 February 1598/9