Thomas Clayton of Harby 1784 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1784/49
This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas Clayton of Harby in the County of Leicester Farmer
First I desire to be Buried in a Private and Decent manner at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter Named And as for my Worldly Estate which hath Pleased God to bless me with I Give and dispose thereof as follows
In the first Place I Give and Devise All that Messuage or Tenement and Homestead thereunto adjoining and belonging with their Appurtenances situate standing and being in Harby aforesaid And also all those several Pieces and Parcells of Arable Land Ley Meadow Pasture and Grass Ground Hereditaments and Premises with the Appurtenances lying and being dispersed in the several Fields and Liberties of Harby aforesaid Containing by Estimation half on Oxgang of Land or thereabouts which I heretofore Purchased to me and my heirs of and from John Hose of Bridgeford on the Hill in the County of Nottingham Blacksmith and now in the Tenure or Occupation of myself and William Jackson our Assignee or Assigns Unto my Eldest Son Thomas Clayton his heirs and Assigns for ever But my mind and Will is and I do hereby Subject and Charge my said Messuage or Tenement Homestead and Half Oxgang of Land with the Payment of the several Sums of Money hereinafter mentioned (that is to say)
The Sum of Twenty Pounds apiece unto my three Daughters Mary Clayton Ann Clayton and Catherine Clayton in Part of their Respective Legacies of Forty Pounds Each hereinafter Given and Bequeathed by me to them Respectively The Sum of Fifty Pounds which I owe upon Note unto Mr William Shilcock of Hose in the said County of Leicester and with the Sum of Three pounds Yearly and every Year to be paid unto my Dear and Loving Wife Mary Clayton and her Assigns for and during the Term of her Natural Life by two half Yearly Payments in each and every Year (that is to say) at or upon the Twenty fifth day of March and the Twenty Ninth day of September the first Payment thereof to be made on such of the said Days as shall first and next happen after my Decease
Also I Give and Bequeath All that other Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances situate standing and being in Harby aforesaid and now in the Tenure or Occupation of Mary Smith Widower or her Assigns unto my said Wife Mary Clayton for and during the Term of her Natural Life and from and Immediately after her decease Then I Give and Devise the said Last mentioned Messuage or Tenement Hereditaments and Premises with the Appurtenances Unto my Youngest Son James Clayton his heirs and Assigns for ever
Also I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Pritchet the Wife of Thomas Pritchet of Plungar in the said County of Leicester Farmer the Sum of one Guinea to be paid her Immediately after my Decease by the said Executor
Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Harby the Wife of Joseph Harby of Harby aforesaid Farmer the little Sum of One Guinea to be paid her Immediately after my Decease by my said Executor
Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Clayton the Sum of Forty Pounds to be paid her within Twelve Months next after my Decease equally by my said two Sons Thomas Clayton and James Clayton
Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Ann Clayton the like Sum of Forty Pounds to be paid her within Twelve Months next after my Decease equally by my said two Sons Thomas Clayton and James Clayton
Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Youngest Daughter Catherine Clayton the like Sum of Forty Pounds to be paid her when and as soon as she attains her Age of Twenty One Years by my said Two Sons Thomas Clayton and James Clayton And my mind and Will is that in Case all either or any of my said three Maiden Daughters Mary, Ann, and Catherine Clayton shall happen to Dye without Lawfull Issue of their Respective Body or Bodies and before their Respective Legacy and Legacies shall become due and Payable Then and in such Case I do order and Direct that the said Legacy or Legacies of Her or them so Dying as aforesaid shall go and be paid to the Survivors and Survivor of them my said two Sons and five Daughters in equal Shares and proportions
Also I Give and Bequeath unto my said Wife Mary Clayton One other Annuity or Clear Yearly Rent Charge of five Pounds of Lawfull Money of Great Britain without any Deduction or Abatement whatsoever for or in Respect of any Taxes Charges or other Impositions whatsoever to be paid to my said Wife Mary Clayton and her Assigns Yearly and every Year for and during the Term of her Natural Life at or upon the said Twenty fifth day of March and the said Twenty ninth day of September by even and equal Portions in each Year The first Payment thereof to be made on such or either of the said Days as shall first happen after my Decease by my said Son James Clayton and for the true Payment thereof I do hereby Charge my Personal Estate herein after Given by me to him As also with the Payment of Twenty Pounds apiece to my said three Daughters Mary Clayton Ann Clayton and Catherine Clayton
Also I Give to my said Wife One Bed Bedstead and Furniture Standing in our Bed Chamber Also half a Dozen Pewter Plates one Brass Pot and Three Chairs to be delivered to her Immediately after my Decease by my said Executor
And Lastly all the rest Residue and Remainder of my Household Goods other Goods Stock Cattle Chattells Rights Credits ready Money and Securities of Money and all other my Personal Estate of what kind or Nature soever not hereinbefore by me Specifically Given and Bequeathed (my Debts Annuity Legacies and Funeral Charges being first paid) I Give and Bequeath unto my said Youngest Son James Clayton whom I do hereby Nominate Constitute and Appoint full and Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament hereby Revoking all other Wills by me at any time heretofore made
In Witness whereof I the said Thomas Clayton the Testator have to this my Last Will and Testament written on two Sheets of Paper and to each of the said Sheets of Paper have set my Hand and to the Last of them Affixed my Seal this Twenty Second day of May in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty One
Thos Clayton
Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said Thomas Clayton the father and Testator to be his Last Will and Testament in the presence of Us the Witnesses under Written who have at his Request and in his presence and in the presence of Each other set our hands As Witnesses to the due Execution of this his said Will
Gilb. Bullivant
Edwd: Stokes
Thos Brewster Jun Clerk to Mr Stokes
Bond, bound Thomas Clayton farmer of Harby, Joseph Harby farmer of Harby and Edward Stokes gentleman of Melton Mowbray £280 24 February 1784. James Clayton sole executor survived Testator but then died bachelor intestate with out having proved will. Mary Clayton widow of Testator has renounced Letters of Administration. Condition bound Thomas Clayton brother and administrator of James Clayton deceased to produce inventory of Thomas Clayton and administer estate
Thomas Clayton
Jos. Harby
Edwd Stokes
Feby 24 1784
Let Administration with the Will annexed of the within named Thomas Clayton deceased be granted and committed under Seal to the within bound Thomas Clayton the natural and lawful Son of the said deceased
He being duly sworn as well to the faithful Administration of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased according to the and Effect of the said Will as that the said Goods Chattels and Credits do not amount in value to the sum of Three hundred pounds
Before me Tho. Ford Surrogate