Margaret Cursonne of Long Clawson 1574 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1574
In the name of god Amen in the year of our lord god mccccc & lxxiiiith the xxixth daie of Januaryie and in the xvith year of the raign of Eliz by the grace of god quene of Ingland France and Ireland Defender of the faythe … witnesseth that I Margarett Cursonne of Claxston wydoe beinge sycke in body and of good and perfect remembrance doe ordaine and make this my laste will & testatment in maner and forme followinge
Fyrst I beqeth my soule to almyghtie god my maker and redemer and my bodie to be buryed in the churche yerd of Claxston my parishe churche
Itm I bequeth to the poore mans boxe iiis iiiid
It I geve to the reparacions of the churche vid
It I bequethe to my curate for all my tythes and offereinges by me necligentlie forgotten yf anie suche be iis
It to the mendinge of the hye waies vid
It I bequethe to Alice Stokes on pewter charger and a porringer
It to Eliz Stokes on pewter charger and a porringer
It I bequethe to Antho: Stokes the eldeste sonne of Anthonie Stokes on brasse panne
It I geve to Michaell Dubbledaye on paire of gloves
It I geve to Jone Stokes ii hollydaie … and ii workedaie …
It I geve to Alice Dubbledaie ii arkes a ronde table and a cheare
It I bequethe to Eliz Stokes my leaste brasse pott
Itm I geve to Michaell Dubbledaie on blacke cowe
It I bequeth to Maire Dubbledaie a rede cowe
It I bequethe to Robert Stokes my little heyffore
It I bequeth to Willm Dubbledaie on payre of iron cobberdes
It I bequeath to Jone Dubbledaie my great brasse pott
It I geve to Alice Dubbledaie my dowghter all my naperie ware
It I geve to John Dubbledaie all my detts except the dett of Robert Warde soe that he shall paie to the poore mans boxe to the church to the hye waies and my tythes forgotten and vis viiid to Henrie Holt xiid to Thomas … xiid to Willm Byard
It I geve to John Dubbledaie one iron byll
It I geve to Alice Dubbledaie … … & a chopping borde
It I geve to Marie Dubbledaye on pewter shingell on sawser & a porringer
It I geve to Jone Dubbledaie one pewter charger one sawser and a porringer
It I geve to Margarett Holte on pewter platter
It I geve to the children of Anthonie Stokes the dett that Robert Warde of Frysbie doth owe me And I will that my sonne Anthonie Stokes put yt to the use of his Children
Itm I geve to Alice Dubbledaie a kymnell and on mashing fatt
It I geve to John Dubbledaie a hyve of bees
Itm I bequethe a hyve of bees amongest Anthonie Stokes his children
Itm I bequethe to Alice Dubbledaie a carpit clothe … quishins iii geese and ii bacon flyckes on bedsteyd
Itm I bequethe to John Dubbledaie all my corne that I hadde lyinge in his yerd paying vi of my Brethren children to everie of them iis
Itm I bequethe iii Strike of Barley to the poreste folke of the parishe
Itm I confesse by this my laste will and Testament that Anthonie Stokes dyd owe unto Leonard Sursonne my husband iiis vis viiid the which dett I geve unto Antho: Stokes uppon this condicion that he wilbe quiet with my sonne John Dubbledaye and stand my executor according to my last will and Testament or else I geve the said dett to John Dubbledaye
Itm I bequethe Alice Dubbledaie all my apparell excepte a russet gowne the which I geve to Jone Stokes
Itm I geve to Anthonie Stokes iiiis the which he dyd owe unto me for iii yewe of russet
The reste of my goods unbequethed I geve to Anthonie Stokes whom I ordaine and make executor of this my laste will
These wytnesses Xpofer Goodwin vicar Henry Holte Thomas … and Willm Byarde
Probate 12 November 1574