Hugh Daft of Long Whatton 1668 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1668
In the name of God Amen the eight day of Aprill in the Nine twenty year of the reign of our graceous Sovraigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King Defender of the faith &c and in the year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred Sixty & Seven I Hugh Daft of Long Whatton in the County of Leicester laborour being Sick in body but of good & perfect memory thanks be to Almightie God and calling to remembrance the uncertaine estate of this transitory life & that all flesh must yeild unto death when it shall please God to call doe make constitute ordaine & declare this my last will & Testament in manner & forme followinge, revoakeing & adnullinge by these presents all and every Testament & Testaments will & wills heretofore by me made & declared eyther by word or writeinge & this is to be taken only for my last will & Testament & none other
And first beinge penitent & sorry from the bottom of my heart for my Sins past most humbly desireing forgivenesse for the same I give & comitt my Soul unto Almightie God my Savour & Redeemer in whome & by the merrits of Jesus Christ I trust & believe assuredly to be saved & to have remission & forgivenesse of all my sins & that my Soule with my bodie at the generall day of resurrection shall rise again with Joy & through the merits of Christs death & passion possesse & Inherit the Kingdome of heaven prepard for his chosen and my bodie to be buried in such place where it shall please my Executrix hereafter named to appoint
& now for settling my temporall estate & such goods Chattles & debts as it hath pleased God to bestowe upon me I doe order give & dispose the same in manner & forme followinge (That is to say)
First I will that all those debts & duties as I owe in right or conscience to any manner of person or persons whatsoever shalbe well & truly contented & paid or ordained to be paid within convenient tyme after my decease by my Executrix hereafter named
Item I give & bequeath unto Alice Daft my welbeloved wife for terme of her natural life if she remaine soe long unmarried the occupation of this house wherein I now dwell with the Appurtenances even as I presently occupie the same & also all the arrable lands beeing in the three fields of Long Whatton aforesaid with Thappurtnancs thereunto belonginge with all my goods & Chattles observeing the Condicions therein nominated & sett downe
And if it shall fortune my said wife to marrie againe & take an husband then my will & full mynd is That my said house Arrable lands with all my goods Chattles and profits thereof shall remaine & decend Immediately to the use of my Son & three Daughters untill my Son Hugh Daft shall occomplish the age of one & Twentie yeares
Moreover as touching my children I give & bequeath unto my Son Hugh Daft my house wherein I now dwell with Thappurtnancs & all my Arrable lands before named to him & his heires for ever the parte or portion appointed to my said wife for and dureinge her life unto her marriage as aforesd alwayes exceipted & foreprized
And further my will is that when my Son Hugh Daft shall enjoy the said house & Arrable lands with all the before mentioned premisses that then he shall give unto every one of my Daughters severally five pounds apeece of good and lawfull money of England That is to say to Mary Daft five pound to Eliz: Daft five pound and to Katharine Daft five pounds and to my said Daughters I give and bequeath all my goods & Chattles the part or porcon Appointed to my said wife for and dureing her natural life unto her marriage as afforesaid to be equally devided amongst them three, but if it please God that eyther my Son or any of my Daughters dye before their porcons come unto their owne hands then my will is that my house & lands to be devided equally amongst my daughters then liveinge or their porcon or part of goods to be devided equally amongst the rest liveinge
Provided that if my sd wife marrie againe after my decease to another husband and not Injoying my house Arrable lands or goods my will is That my Debts shalbe paid out of my said goods and profits ariseinge out of my house and lands
And I doe hereby Appoint Alice Daft my wife Sole executrix of this my last will & Testament and Henry Smith gent and William Wild younger Supervisors of this my will
In Wittnesse whereof I have hereunto put my hand & seale the day & year first above written in the presence of these wittnesses
Hugh Daft his marke & seale
Signed sealed and published before
Henry Smith
William Wilde younger
Robert Hall his marke
Probate 29 September 1668