Richard Dafte of Shepshed 1622 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1622/64
In the name of God Amen the xvith day of Januarie 1619 Richard Dafte of Shepeshead in the Countie of Leic sicke in bodie but of good & perfecte memorie prayse be to Almightie god doe ordaine and make this my last will & testament in manner and forme following That is to say
First I bequeth my soule to Almightie god and to his sone Jesus Cryst trusting that by his death and bloode shedinge to have my soule saved and not by any … … of my …
Item I bequeth my bodie to be buried in the Churchyarde of the sd parishe of Shepeshead
Item I give & bequeath unto my sonne Richard Dafte xiid
Item I give and bequeath to my sonne Hughe Dafte xiid
Item I give and bequeathe to my sonne Thomas Dafte xiid
Item I give and bequeath unto Marie … my daughter xiid in full satisfaction of all their childes partes
Item I give and bequeath to all my childrens children iiiid a peece
Item I give and bequeath unto Anne Wilborne vis viid
Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Edward Dafte vl of good & lawfull currante Englishe monie to be paid unto him at the day of her death or if she marrie at the day of her marriage
Item I give & bequeath under Peter Dafte my youngest sonne x li to be paid unto him at the day of his mothers death or at the day of her marriage yf she marrie againe after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto Marie Dafte my wife all the reste of my goods my debts paid my legacies discharged and my bodie brought unto the grownde whom I ordaine & make my full and sole executrix of this my last will & testament and I ordaine supadvisors of this my last will & testament Richard Mychell & Geo: Smith and I give to either of them xiid and if they goe oute of the towne their charges
Theise witinesses … Peter Olerenshawe Ric Mychell Geo: Smith
Sealed & delivered in the presence of the said witnesses the day & yeare first above written
The marke of Ric Dafte
Peter Olerenshawe
Rich Mitchell
Geo: Smith
Probate 11 January 1622/3