Thomas Dodd of Eastwell 1629 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1629/203
In the name of god Amen I Thomas Dodd of Eastwell in the County of Leic clarke beinge sick in body but in perfect mind & memory praysed be the Lord therefore doe make this my last Will & testament in manner & form followeth
First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Allmightie god my maker trustinge to be saved through the merritts death & passion of Jesus Christ my redeemer
And touching my Capitall Messuage or dwelling house scituate and being in London near unto Algate called & knowne by the signe of the Bell & all the houses & buildings & appurtenances to the same belonginge I doe give unto George my Son & heire apparent & to the heires of his body lawfully begotten as it is lymitted & expressed in the last will & testament of my father
Item I doe give unto Jane my Wief for her lief All the full two partes of my capital Messuage or tenement with thappurtenances & Two parts of all the houses & buildings yeards & backsides to the same belonginge Together alsoe with Two partes of all the arable land meddowe pasture & Comon with their appurtenances to the same belonginge in Sprauston except & out of this bequeast always preservont unto me the said Thomas my best chamber with said last named house which chamber I doe reserve for the keeping of all my library of books which I doe comitt unto the custody of Roger Derham Doctor in Divinity to keep in trust in the said chamber for the use of Richard Rouse son of James Rouse of Statherne in the County of Leic yeoman out of which I will Mr Doctor to allowe him such books out of the said library as he shall thinke fit towards the making of him a scholl yf his father breed him therto As alsoe for the use of my said son George or Thomas sons yf any of them prove schollers hearafter
Item I doe give to my son Thomas one Annuity or yearly rent charge of 4 li of lawfull English money to be had … & taken out of the said Two parts of the said Messuage lands & tenements in Sprauston for the tearm of 4 yeares next after … decease … … with his wief at Nottingham which is to be towards the maintenance of his wief & children
Item I doe give unto my said son Thomas All the yearly rent yssuing out of my Cottage in Sprauston aforesaid in the occupacon of Thomas Lord to hould for his lief beinge 4 nobles yearly
Item I give unto every one of my Grandchildren iiis a piece
Item I doe give unto every of my God children 12d a peece
Item I doe give unto the poore of the towne of Eastwell 20s
Item I give towards the repaire of the Church of Eastwell aforesaid 20s
Item I doe give to the poore of Sprauston aforesaid 20s
And to the repaire of the church of Sprauston aforesaid 20s
Item I doe give & bequeath unto the said Doctor Derham my best … & my best … whom I doe make & ordaine my full & sole executor of this my last will & testament
And I doe make & ordayne Willm Blith & Henry Portman gents my overseers of this my last will and if any doubt arise concerning any bequeast or charge in this my will my meaning is that the said doubt shalbe ordered by my said executor & overseer
Item I doe give unto the said James Rouse my son in law ten shillings to buy him a ringe with a Deaths head
All the rest of my goods cattell & chattells whatsoever I will shall remaine in the hands & custody of my said executor to dispose of & bestowe upon my said sons & wief as he in his discrecon shall thinke fit Provided alwayes that my said sons & wief rest contented & be ruled by my said executor & overseers otherwise I meane that non of them that shalbe unruly shall have any parte of my goods but their parte of my said goods to be divided amongest those that wilbe ruled
Thos Dod parson
Published for the last will & testament the first day of Aprill 1629 in the presence of
Francis Barrough Clrs
Thomas Briggs Clrs
Probate 15 April 1629