Belton Robert 1623 of Nether Broughton will and inventory

Robert Belton of Nether Broughton 1623 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1623/19

Ano: Domi: 1623 August the Fift

In the name of god amen I Robert Belton of Nether Broughton in the Countie of Leicester wever, sicke in bodie, but of good and perfect memory, the lord bee praysed, Doe ordayne this as my last will and testament in manner and forme following

First I bequeath my Soule into the hands of god who gave it mee, and hath redeemed it by the death and passion of his Sonne Christ Jesus my lord and onely Saviousr

And my Bodie I commit unto the ground whence it was taken to bee buried in the Church yeard of Nether Broughton aforesayd with decent burial in hope of a joyfull and glorious resurrection

Item I give unto my daughter Allice Belton in consideration of her childs portion the Somme of ten pounds to bee payd unto her within the terme of two years next ensuing the day of my departure out of this life if shee remayne unmarried so long but if shee marye sooner then my will is that my Sonne Thomas pay her, her portion the Sayd ten pounds on the Day of her mariage

Item I give unto my younger Sonne William Belton ten pounds in consideration of his childs portion to be payd unto him by my Sonne Thomas, within the terme of three years next ensuing the day of my departure out of this life

All the rest of my mony Chattell goods moveable and immoveable tenements houses Closing Cow pastures or whatsoever I have in the towne and in the fields of Nether Broughton aforesaid bills bonds debts and whatsoever I have excepted that which is before given to his brother and sister I give and bequeath to my eldest Sonne Thomas Belton in consideration of his childs portion

And by this my will I make him full and sole exector

And by this my will and testament I request Mr … Thomas Wright and Robert Hopkins as my frends in trust to See this my will executed and fulfilled

No signature nor signature of witnesses

His debts: he oweth to Margaret Else eight pounds

Debts owing him

John Draper of Wartnatbie seven shillings

William Rose of Goadbie ten shillings



A true Inventory of all the goods chattels & cattels of Robert Belton deceased (late of Nether Broughton in the Countie of Leicester weaver) taken the Thirteenth day of October in the year above written by Robert Hopkinson Thomas Wright & Charles Hoe

  l s d
Imprimis his purse & his Apparelle   viii iiii
It in the hall two Cubbards & a table two cheires & five formes &      
other things   xxvi viii
It in the parlour three bedsteeds nine cofers together with materesses      
coverlets sheets & all other goods in the same rume   iii x
It all the brasse & pewter   iii iiii
It an Iron bar & books & other furniture for the chimney   ii  
Item three Lumes & all other implements in the shope iii    
It tubs payles & barrels & other treen wares   vi  
It boards & all the wood about the yarde   vi viii
It three kine & two calves vii    
It eight sheepe & a loade of hey   xxxvii  
It one swine hogge   vii v
                                                                                                 Suma xxii ii vi

Probate 13 September 1623