Brown Simon 1660 of Nether Broughton will and inventory

Simon Browne of Nether Broughton 1660 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1660

In the name of god amen I Simon Browne of Broughton in the County of Leicester miller being sick and weake of body but of good and perfect memory god be praised doth make and ordaine this my last Will and testament in manner and forme following that is to say

First I bequeath my Soule to almighty god who gave it me and to Jesus Christe my Saviour and redeemer by whose passion and blood shed I trust to have eternall life and happines and my body to the earth from whence it was taken to be buryed in decent burial and as for my temporall goodes I give and bequeath them in manner and forme following

First I give to my six daughters Elizabeth Alice Isable Abigale Sarah and Ester three score pounds that is to say to each of them ten pounds as they shall severally attaine to the age of one and twenty yeares

And as for all my other goodes my debtes paid and my funerall expences discharged I give unto my wife Ann and my Sonn Simon Browne whom I do make my Whole and Sole Executors to see this my last Will performed and I desire my Cosen George Langlay to be overseer of this my Will to see it performed

                                                                                                         The marke of Simon Browne


Richard Browne

George Langley [his mark]

A true Inventory of all the goodes and Chattles of Simon Browne of Broughton deceased

Imp his purse and apparel 2 1 0
It three Cowes 6 0 0
It for houshould goodes and linnens 5 0 0
It in bills and bondes and in money 25 0 0
It more in bills and bonds 25 0 0
                                                                          The Summ 63 10 00

The praiser

Richard Browne

Probate 7 February 1660