William Caunt of Eastwell 1689 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1689/21
In the Name of God Amen I William Caunt of Eastwell in the Countie of Leicester yeoman being weake in Body But in good & perfect sence Minde & memorie Praised be God therefore Doe make & ordaine this my Last Will & Testament in Manner & forme following vizt
First I humbly beg of Allmighty God for Christ Jesus Sake to pardon and forgive me all my sins and offences and to Receive my Soule in his mercie to Eternall joy & happyness and I bequeath my body to the Earth to be buried in Dessent and Christian Buriall and as for my worldly Estate which God in his Mercie hath given me I give devise and Bequeath in manner & forme as followeth (That is to say)
Imprimis I give Devise Bequeath Assigne & Set over to William Caunt my eldest sonne all that my Messuage house Lands Closes & premises with the Appurtenances … part & parcel thereof which I now hould by Lease and Demise from Rowland Eyre last of Hassop in the County of Derby Esqr & Thomas Eyre his sonne & heire apparent now my noble Landlord together with the said Lease to have & to hould to him his Executors Administrators & Assignes after the Decease of me and Marie my Loveing Wife according to the Tone & meaning of the sd Lease Bearing Date the tenth Day of October Anno Dni Dei 1656 as the sd Lease Doe & may make fully apeare
Alsoe it is my will & I doe will give & bequeath unto my sonne John Caunt the Sume of Ten pounds Lawfull money to be paid to him in one yere after the Decease of marie my wife to be paid to him by my said Sonn William out of two Closes called the Great… belonging to the house farme
Alsoe I give & bequeath to Richard Caunt my Sonne tenn pounds Like Lawfull money to be paid to him by my sd sonne William within two years after the Decease of her the said Marie my wife
And alsoe I give & bequeath to Marie my Daughter tenn Pounds Lawfull money to be paid to her by my sd Sonne William within three years after the Decease of Marie my Wife and if my sd Sonn William his Executors or Administrators neglect the Severall payments of the sd Severall sumes to my sd three children at or in the sd severall years aforesd in the which they ought to be paid then it is my Will & I doe Will that my sd three Children or any of them unpaid which is to say John, Richard & Marie shall enter on & upon the sd two Closes and enjoy the Same to their & every of their uses till they & every of them be satisfied their several Sumes aforesd & if any my sd Children Die before the sd money be paid as aforesd it is my Will that the Survivors or Survivor shall have all the said thirty pounds
Item I give Devise bequeath Assigne & Set over to my Sonne Thomas Caunt all those Closes of inclosed ground which I hould by Lease of my Noble Landlord Thomas Eyre aforesaid to … with the sd Lease to him his Executors Administrators & Assigns according to the Tenor of the Said Lease bearing Date the tenth day of Aprill Ano Dni Dei 1679
Item I give Devise & bequeath to William Caunt my sd eldest Sonne the Sume of ten pounds Lawfull money of England to be paid to him by my Executrix within one yeare after my Decease
Item I give Devise & bequeath to my Sonne Thomas Caunt aforesd the Sume of forty pounds Like Lawfull money to be paid to him by my Executrix within Six Months after my decease
Item I give and Bequeath to my Sonne John Caunt aforesd the Sume of thirty pounds Like Lawfull money to be paid to him by my Executrix within two years after my Decease
Item I give & bequeath to Solloman my Sonne the Sum of five shillings in full of his Childs part & portion
Item I give & Bequeath to Richard Caunt my Sonne the Sume of Twenty pounds Lawfull money to be paid to him by my Executrix within three years after my Decease
Item I give & bequeath to Elizabeth my Daughter the Sume of five shillings in full of her Childs part & Portion
Item I give & bequeath to Marie my Daughter the Sume of Twenty pounds Lawfull money to be paid to her by my Executrix within foure years after my Decease and it is my Will & I doe Will that if any my sd Children Die before theire sd severall portions be payable that the Deceased’s portion or portions shall redownd to the use or uses of my Surviveing Children Equally to be Devided
Item all the Rest of my goods Cattles Chattells Credits Moneys Bonds Bills househould goods Implements & all other my goods & Chattells whatsoever & wheresoever unbequeathed I give & bequeath to my Deare & Loveing Wife Marie, whome I make Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament, she paying all my Debts Legacies and funerall Chardges Soe Revokeing all other former Wills by me made to this my Last will & Testament I have Sett to my hand and Seale the twenty first Day of September in the third yeare of the Raigne of our Sovraign Lord James the Second by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the faith & Anno Dni Dei 1687
William Caunt
Seald Signed Published & Declared to be the Last Will and Testament of the above Said William Caunt in the presence of
William Barker
Richard Greene
Ric Hickson Senr his marke
Aprill the 17th Ano Dni Dei 1689
A true & perfect Inventorie of all the Goods, Cattells, Chattells, Money, Houshould goods, implements & Credits whatsoever & wheresoever of William Caunt Late of Eastwell in the Countie of Leicester yeoman Deceased, the Day & yeare above Said, were had Taken & Prized By us, the persons whose names are hereunder Subscribed in Manner & forme following vizt
£ | s | d | |
Imprimis his Purse and Apparrell | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Item in the Hall, one Long table, one Buffett Stoole one forme, one Longsetle, | |||
three Chers, one … & other Small hookes, one fire iron, one paire of tongs, one | |||
fire shovel, one Racon balk, with Smale hooks & severall other small things there | 1 | 0 | 6 |
Item in the Kitchin 5 Tubbs one Kinnell one Cheese press one Molding bowl | |||
and other Small things theire | 0 | 15 | 6 |
Item in the Deery Milk vessel & other Small things theire | 0 | 13 | 4 |
Item in the Butty foure Barrills, one Beere … & other Small things theire | 0 | 10 | 4 |
Item in the Parlor one halfe headed bedstead, on Trundle bed, one old Cubbard, | |||
two Chests, two Little boxes, one Cheere & other small things theire | 1 | 7 | 6 |
Item in the Chamber over the parlor, 2 Stubb Bedsteads one coffer & other small | |||
things theire | 0 | 8 | 6 |
Item in the Chamber over the Kitchin & Deary, one Cheese …, one Lining Wheell, | |||
one wollen wheele, two Tressells Cheese shelves & Cheese borde, & other | |||
small things theire | 0 | 13 | 4 |
Item beding in & about the house one Cordlin, Six paire of Blancketts, foure | |||
Mattrisses, foure Bed Bolsters, Six pillows, 2 Setts of hangings & other Small | |||
Beding | 3 | 3 | 6 |
Item Linnings in & about the house, 8 paire of Sheets, foure pillobears, one | |||
Duzen of Napkins, one Table cloth, twelve yardes of Hemp Cloth, eleven | |||
Yards of Harden cloth, Six pound of flax yearne | 3 | 13 | 4 |
Item Brass & Pewter in & about the house, Six brass panns, one brass pott, five | |||
pewter Dishes, one Brass Candlestick, one pewter Candlestick, two pewter salts, | |||
two pewter porringers, three pewter saucers, one Duzen of pewter Spoones & | |||
other smale things | 2 | 16 | 0 |
Item Bacon butter & Cheese in & about the house, 3 strikes of Bacon, Butter and | |||
Cheese & other Small provisions | 0 | 13 | 4 |
Item Corne in & about the house & yarde | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Item all manner of horseflesh (vizt) two Stowed Colts, one Gelding, three Mares | |||
one fole, one yearly filley | 34 | 10 | 00 |
Item Twelve Cowes, Seven heifers, two Bulls & Six yearling Calves and two | |||
weaneing Calves at … | 39 | 00 | 08 |
Item Sheepe as followeth (vizt) ewes & Lambs 57, barren Sheepe 98, in all | |||
Prized to | 50 | 3 | 4 |
Item two Small Swine | 1 | 0 | 6 |
Item Corne & graine growing on the ground in one place & other by | |||
Esteemation twenty acers be it more or less | 24 | 0 | 0 |
Item one Waggon, one Cart, two Plows, one great Harrow, two Small Harrows, | |||
Waggon & Cart gears & plow gears & other Small implements of husbandrie | 9 | 5 | 0 |
Item they hey hovells & hovell geere, plow timber & fold wood about the yarde | |||
& Manure in the yarde, one great Stone Trough & other Small Troughs | 1 | 13 | 4 |
Item for goods & Chattels as horse Cinde, bease & Sheepe in the Parish of | |||
Saltbie in the Countie of Leic which the sd William Caunt Died Seized of & under | |||
the Care of his Sonn John Caunt | 26 | 0 | 0 |
Item pullin in & about the yarde | 0 | 1 | 6 |
Item things whatsoever & wheresoever forgotten & not seene by us the prizers | |||
here under nominated | 0 | 3 | 4 |
Summa totalis | 209 | 12 | 10 |
The prizers names & hands (vizt)
Richard Healy
Richard Greene
William Blanckley his mark