Daft Ellen 1638 of Easton will and inventory

Ellen Daft of Easton 1638 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/249

In the name of God Amen this Thirtenth of July in the year of our Lord god one Thousand six hundred thirtie eyghte Ellin Dafte of Easton in the Countie of Leicester widdowe doe make my Last will and Testament in manner and forme following viz

First I bequeth my Soule into the handes of Allmightie god from whom I receaved the same beseeching him of his infinite goodenes and mercie and for Jesus Christ his sake to forgive me all my Sinnes both knowne and unknowne and my boddie I commit to the earth to be Buried in the churchyard of Easton at the Apoyntement of my frendes And for my wordelie [sic] goodes I bequeath as followeth

First I give unto my sonne William Dafte twelve pence and to my eldest daughter Anne Backster twelve pence And to my daughter Ellin Taulbott twelve pence

Ite I give unto my daughter Francis [sic] Daft one haulfe Aker of meadowe and one otterall [?] roode of meadow Lying in Br… neather meadowe and allso two sowes and one heffer and all my moveable goodes and I doe make her full executrix of this my Last will and Testament and desire my sonne in Law Thomas Taulbott to be supervisor of this my Last will and testament and to have A speciall care for the good of my said daughter whom I desire shoulde be ruled by him

In witnes whereof I have subscribed my hand the day and year above written

                                                                                                         Ellin Daft her mark

Delivered as my Last will and testament in the presence of

William Pridmor

Richard Allman his mark


In Inventorie of the Goods and Chattelles of Ellin Dafte widdowe Late of Easton deceassed beeing prised this xxiith day of July 1638

  li s  
Imprimis in the hall one table and frame seaven stooles foure cheeres two      
Benches one furme A glasse case & one seelinge 1 10 0
Ite in the parler one trus Bedd one Cubbard two Coffers one Chest two boxes      
square table and settle 2 0 0
Ite one feather bed two mattresses three Bolsters foure pillowes five paire of      
sheetes and haulfe three paire of pillowbeeres two paire of Blanckets three      
Coverleds eight napkins three table clothes 10 0 0
Ite in the Chamber one trus bed one Lowe bed one Coffer one strike one      
Kymnell one Bolting … 3 cheeses three wheeles with other Implements 2 0 0
Ite in the kitchin one potte three pannes one possnett seaven pewter dishes one      
flaggen one Bason one bole two saltes two brasse Candlesticks haulf a dossen      
of spoones three sawsers one spice mortor 1 12 0
Ite two tubs three pales three barrels one Chesepres one paire of Land irons      
one … one paire of Cobbardes one fryinge panne with other Iimplements 2 0 0
Ite in the yard one hovel with other woode 0 10 0
Ite two kyne and one heffer and two Loade of hay 7 0 0
Ite one haulfe aker and one otterall Roode of meadowe 13 6 8
Ite her purse and Aparrell 3 6 8
                                                                                             Summa totalis 43 5 4

William Pridmore

Richard … his mark

Probate 27 August 1638