John Fancoates of Long Clawson 1632 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1632/4
In the name of god Amen This firste of June in the seventh yeare of the raygne of our Soveraigne Lorde Charles, by the grace of god of Englande, Scotland, France & Ireland, Kinge defendor of the faith &c 1631 I John Fancoates of Claxton als Longe Clauston Laborer, being sicke of bodie but of good perfect memory (praysed be god) doe make this my last will & testament in manner followeinge
In primis I give my soule to god that gave it and my bodie to bee buried in the Church yard of Claxton aforesaide
Itm I give to every one of my five Childeren tenne shillings a peece vid
It I give to my eldest sonne William Fancoats tenne shillings
Itim I give to my sonne Thomas Fancoats tenne shillinges
Itim I give to my sonne John Fancoats tenne shillinges
Itim I give unto my daughter Margarett Fancoats tenne shillinges
Itm I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Fancoats tenne shillinges
And further my will is that my wife give unto my daughters what Lynnen & household shee please
The rest of my goods moveable & unmoveable I give & beequeave unto my loveing wife Ellen Fancoats, whome I make & ordayne sole & full Executrixe of this my last will & testament, to see my legacies performed
The witnesses are:
Thomas Wright Scriptor
Thomas Wythenshawe
A true inventorye of all they goods and Chattells of John Fancoats, of Claxton als longe Clauston in the Countie of Leceister laborer, lately disceased Taken this 26 of September 1631 by Richard Hicklinge Jun & John Wilcoxe laborer, of Claxton aforesaide
In primis his purse & apparell | vis 8d |
Itim 2 kyne | 3 l |
Itim one pigge & poultry | 6s |
Itim in the parler 3 flaxen sheets 3 payre of harden sheets 2 pillowe beares 2 napkins | 13s 4d |
Itim 2 boulsters 3 pillowes | 4s |
Itim 3 Coverleads, one mattresse | 6s 8d |
Itim 3 Cofers | 4s |
Itim 1 Cubbard, & other impleaments of wood | 6s 8d |
Itim 2 bed steads | 16d |
Itim pueter & brasse 2 potts 1 pann & five dishes of pueter | 22s |
Itim one barrell 2 payles 1 Chorne, a Chayre, 2 Stoales | 16d |
Itim the fire irons, pott hookes & tongues, & other impleaments about the fire | 12d |
Itim Ticknell ware and thinges forgotten | 6d |
The whole sume is | 6 l 13s 6d |
The praysers names & markes,
Richard Hicklinge [his mark]
John Willcoxe [his mark]
Probate 10 April 1632