Ann Flint of Plungar 1834 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1834/62
This is the last Will and Testament of me Ann Flint of Plungar in the County of Leicester Spinster
First I order that all my just Debts funeral and Testamentary expenses be paid by my Executor hereinafter named
I give and bequeath all my Household Furniture plate Linen and China and also all my ready money and Securities for money and all other my personal Estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever (except what is hereinafter by me specifically bequeathed) unto William Pell of Whatton in the County of Nottingham Farmer his executors administrators and Assigns Upon Trust to convert into money all or any part thereof as to the said William Pell shall seem best as shall be Saleable and collect get in and receive the residue thereof or continue the same in its actual state of investment and lay out and Invest the money to be received as aforesaid at Interest on Government real or other sufficient Securities
And I declare that the said William Pell his executors administrators and assigns shall stand possessed of the Interest to arise therefrom In trust for my Three Nephews George Flint Thomas Flint and William Flint in equal Shares and proportions until my said Nephews shall severally attain the age of Twenty one Years and as and when my said Nephews shall attain that age then In Trust to pay to each of them my said Nephews an equal share of the said money but in case one or more of my said Nephews shall die before he or they shall attain the age of Twenty one years then I will and direct that the Share of him or them so dying shall be paid to the Survivor or Survivors
And I do hereby further will and direct that such part of my saleable property (except such part thereof as in hereinafter by me specifically bequeathed) as my said Executor shall think fit to keep unsold shall be divided amongst my said Three Nephews the said George Flint Thomas Flint and William Flint as and when they shall attain the age of Twenty one years
I give and Bequeath all my wearing Apparel unto and equally amongst my Sister in Law Mary Simpson the Wife of John Simpson my Cousin Dorothy Shaw the Wife of Joseph Shaw and my Cousin Ann Walker
And Lastly I do hereby appoint the said William Pell sole Executor of this my Will hereby revoking all former wills by me made
In Witness whereof I the said Ann Flint the Testatrix have to this my Last Will and Testament set my Mark and Seal this eleventh day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Thirty four
The mark and seal of Ann Flint
Signed sealed published and Declared by the said Ann Flint the Testatrix (having been first carefully read over to her) in the presence of us who in her presence at her request And in the presence of each other have hereunto set our names as Witnesses to the execution thereof
Richd Guy
Wm G Wagstaffe
Oct 8 1834
Let a probat be granted to William Pell of Whatton in the County of Nottingham Farmer sole Executor named in the will of Ann Flint who died at Plungar on the eighth day of May last past
He the said William Pell being duly sworn as well to the faithful execution of the Will, as that the Testator’s Goods Chattels & Credits, as they were at her death, without deducting any Debts owing by her therefrom did not amount in value to the sum of one hundred Pounds
Before me William Greenwood Surrogate to the Commissary
On the 30th October 1831 Will exhibited before the Revd Wm Greenwood Clerk and Surrogate and Probate decreed to pass Seal in the presence of
John Stockdale Hardy
Actuary & Dep Registrar
30th Oct 1834 Probate dated