Michael Flower of Long Clawson 1615 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1615/93
In the name of god Amen This 28th of March 1615 I Michaell Flower of Claxton in the Countie of Leceister husbandman, beinge sicke of bodye but of good & perfect memorye (praysed bee god) doe make & ordayne this my last will & testament in manner followeinge
First I give my soule to god that gave it and my bodie to bee buried in the church yarde of the parishe church of Claxton aforesaide
Itm I give to the poore of Claxton aforesaide iiis iiiid
Itm I give towardes the repareinge of our Church of Claxton aforesaide iis
Itm I give unto my daughter Marye x l l to bee payed at the age of 21tie yeares
Itm I give unto that Child wherewith my wife noew goeth bee yt man or woman Child xx l to bee payd to that Child at the age of … yeares to goe forewarde
And my will is that if either of theis die before the times aforesaide then both they foresaied portions shall goe to the longer liver of them
Itm I give unto my sonne Richarde Flower a mattresse a payre of flaxen sheets a blanket a Coverlead a pillowe a boulster I also give unto him & his heires for ever my whole estate of house and lande freeholde and feefarme to enter unto them att such times as are hereafter expressed
Itm I give unto my brother Thomas Flower att London and to his Children to bee payed within three yeares next after my desease vi l xiiis iiiid
Itm I give unto my syster Elizabeth Moore and to her sixe Children Joyntly xs to bee payed within one whole yeare after my death to whome I forgive all that Barley which she oweth mee
Itm I forgive unto my brother Robert Asten xxxs which he oweth unto mee
Itm I give unto my brother Edward Faukes two boyes 1 Ewe hogge betwixt them at Martlemas next after my deathe
Itm I give unto my brother William Faulkes his child [blank]
They rest of all my goodes unbeequeaved I give unto my loveinge wife Elizabeth Flower to see my debts payed & legacies discharged, to whome in Considerations aforesaid, I give my whole Interest of my whole farme untill my foresaied sonne Richarde Flower Come unto the age of foure and twentie yeares And then my will is that my foresaied sonne shall have and enioye halfe my farme with his mother & likewise at that time enter of halfe my goods & Chattels moveable with his mother throughout, except my house holde stuffe In Consideration whereof he shall paye the halfe of my debts & legacies then unpayed
The other halfe of my house & farme I give & bequeave unto my wife aforesaide duering her natural life & then to my foresaied sonne Richard Flower & his heires for ever as aforesaid
Itm I make my wife Elizabeth Flower sole executrixe of this my last will & testament
Lastly I ordayne & make Thomas Hicklinge and my brother Edward Faukes overseers of this my last will & testament
Testes sunt
Thomas Wright Scriptor
Thomas Hicklinge
Edwarde Fawkes his marke
Probate 13 January 1615/6