John Fosterd of Long Clawson 1642 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1642/79
In the name of God Amen June the 30th Ao Dom 1642
I John Fosterd of Claxton alis Longe Clawson in the County of Leicester husbandman beinge sicke of Body but of good & perfect memory (God be praysed therefor) doe ordayne this my last Will & Testament in manner & forme following
That is to say first I give & bequeath my Soule unto Allmighty God my Creator hopeing & verily assuring my Selfe through God his mercy & the all sufficient merits of Jesus Christ my only Saviour & redeemer to be partaker of life everlasting
And my Body I bequeath to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buried in Christian burial in the Churchyard of Claxton alis Long Clawson in the County of Leic aforesaid at the discretion of my Executrix & for my worldly Goods which it hath pleased God to endow me with I doe dispose of them in manner & forme following
Imprimis I give to the Church of Claxton alis Longe Clawson aforesayd six shillings & eight pence to be disposed of by the Minister & Churchwardens
Item I give & bequeath unto the poore of Claxton alis Longe Clawson aforesayd ten shillings
Item I give unto my Daughter Ann Fosterd my house & Land & a Cottage lyinge in Claxton aforesayd & a B… and hovells … … & Maungers & beast standings whatsoever there beinge upon this Condition that she pay unto my daughter Isabel Fosterd sixteen Pounds provided the mater now intended doe not goe forward
Item I give unto Robert Kirkby the Minister of Claxton aforesayd six shillinges eight pence
Item I give twenty Shillings unto the Children of my Sonne in Law John Gervais
Item I give twenty Shillings unto the Children of my Sonne in Law John Swaine
Item I give two strikes of Barley unto my sister in Law Hellen Pritchitt
Item I give unto the Children of my Sonne in Law Richard Leeson twenty Shillings
Item I give unto my Sonne in Law Thomas Swaine & his wife twenty shillings
Item I give towards the repayr of Hicklinge Bridge two Shilliings
Item I give towards the repayr of a bridge between William … & Thomas Leavers Closes twelve pence
Item I give unto Thomas Garton twelve pence
Item I give unto John the Sonne of Thomas Hoe twelve pence
Item I give unto John the Sonne of John Marriott twelve pence
Item I give unto … the wife of John Swayne six shillings eight pence
Item I give unto my Sonne in Law John Swayne six shillings eight pence
Item I give unto my Brother in Law Robert Fosterd five Shillings
Item I give unto John the Sonne of Richard Leeson twelve pence
Item I give unto Henry Arnall twelve pence
Item I give unto George A… twelve pence
Item I give unto Robert Pritchett twelve pence
Item I give unto Anne Wright twelve pence
Item I give unto Anne Arnall twelve pence
Item I give unto Henry Hoe twelve pence
Item I give & bequeath unto my Lovinge wife the thirds of my Land & goods Elizabeth Fosterd
Item I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Isabell Fosterd my House in Coulston with all things … ther to appertaining & the other two Parts of my Goods & the … to her above bequeathed in a word all my goods whatsoever (excepting before excepted) thus revoking all things whatsoever
I doe constitute & … this to be my Last Will & Testament making my aforesaid Daughter Isabell Fosterd the onely Executrix of me & of this my Last Will & Testament
Wittnesse my hand & seale hereunto putt the day & year first above written
The marke and seale of John Fosterd
Read published & declared Sealed & delivered in the presence of us witnesses to be the Last Will & Testament of John Fosterd within named
Robert Kirkby [the Will is probably written by his hand]
Robert Hickling
The marke of Thomas Mitchell
John Sweayne
Memorandum that John Forster als Forsterd of Claxton als Long Clawson in the County of Leicester both before and at the time of the making writing and publishing or confirming of his last written will and testamt bearing date June 30th An dni 1642 and also afterwards being of perfect mind and memorie did publiquily declare that his daughter Ann Forster als Forsterd should have and hould to her the said Anne and her heires or assignes forever after his decease his house lands and cottage hovells doors racks mangers beastandings meadowes pastures feedings messuages and tenemts whatsoever situate lieing and being in Claxton als Long Clawson aforesaid and that he had soe given and bequeathed and did give and bequeathe to the said Anne & her heires and assignes for ever all and singular the house lands cottage and other the premisses aforesaid and all and every their appurtenances in and by his said written will and testamt & that he had thereby charged & did charge her the said Anne and her heires and assignes with the paymt of the sume of sixteen pounds money therein menconed vizt to the charge of sixteen pounds to be paid by the said Anne & her heires or assignes to the said John Forsterd younger Daughter Isabell with the mind & intent that the said Anne & her heires or assignes should have hould inherit and inioy the same house lands cottage and other the premisses to her the said Anne and her heires and assignes for ever, and declared that his said daughter Isabell should have noe parte or none of his said house lands meadow or other sd premisses for that he had otherwise provided sufficiently for the said Isabell & for his wife and by his said written will and testament which or other words to the like effect the said John Forsterd often or once declared acknowledged and confirmed in the presence of his said daughters Anne and Isabell or one of them and also in the presence of Mr Robert Kirkby Clerke Robert Hickling Thomas Mitchell and John Swayne the witnesses named in the said written will and testament and before other credible wittnesses.