William Grime of Long Clawson 1634 Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/36/181
A true Inventory of all the goods & Chattells of William Gryme of Claxton in the Countie of Leceister Laborer lately disceased Taken this 18th of December 1634 By Robert Hicklinge yeoman, Edwarde Hicklinge & William Manchester husbandmen, of Claxton aforesaid
In primis his purse & apparel | 53s 4d |
Itim in the parler 7 Coverleds 1 blankett 1 peece of wolle cloth | 50s |
It 6 pillowes & 3 boulsters | 26s 8d |
Itim 3 mattresses | 13s 4d |
Itim 2 payre of flaxe sheets & other 8 payre | 40s |
Itim pillowe beares and napkins & a towel | 10s |
Itim 2 bedsteads & Chests | 40s |
Itim an ould Cubberd 2 Barells & 1 Lanthorne | 6s |
Itm in the Chamber house brasse in potts & panns | 40s |
It peeces of pueter and a brasse Candlesticke | 14s |
It 1 Table 1 Cubberd 1 pen 1 forme & benche | 30s |
Itim Tubb, Kitts & 1 Chorne | 8s |
Itim in the Chamber Certayne Impleaments | 6s 8d |
It 2 Cheares, stoules, & Quushions | 2s |
Itm in the yeard 3 kyne 1 weaned Calfe | 7l |
Itm Corne, barley & pease and hea, wheat land sowed | 5l |
Itim hovel tymber, pales & refuge wood, & a ston trough | 14s |
Itim 12 sheepe | 3l 13s 4d |
Itim Coales & fire Irons | 6s 8d |
Itim pullen | 2s |
Itim Bacon | 2s 6d |
Itim a shelfe and other Impleaments in the house, and things forgotten | 2s |
The whole sume is | 33l 10s 6d |
They debts he oweth are | 13l 4s |
They prayers names
Robert Hickling
Edward Hickling theire
William Manchester markes
Exhibited 16 December 1634