Hugh Guy of Long Clawson 1771 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1771/95
I Hugh Guy of Clawson otherwise Long Claxton in the County of Leicester Frameworknitter being sick in Body but of sound mind and memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say
First and principally I commend my Soul to the Almighty who gave it and my body to the dust from whence it was taken, to be decently interr’d at the Charge and discretion of my Executors herein after named and for those few worldly goods of which I may die possest I dispose of the same as Follows
Imprimis I give and devise all and Singular my Messuage Cottage or Tenement in which I now dwell together with the Orchard, homestead, and all other Appurtenances thereunto belonging scituate standing and being in the west End of the Parish of Long Clawson aforesaid unto John Moore Gentleman, and John Eite Yeoman in Trust and for the use of my Wife Margaret Guy and my sister Margaret Guy for and during the Term of their Natural Lives and the Life of the Longer Liver of them, and my Will further is that if the yearly profits arising or issuing thereout, together with what may arise out of my personal Estate be not a sufficient Maintenance for my said Wife and Sister or the Longer Liver of them, that the said John Moore Gentleman and John Eite are hereby impowered to take up on Security of the said premises any Sum or Sums from time to time as they shall see Convenient and from and after the decease of my Said Wife and Sister I give and devise the aforesaid Messuage or Tenement and premises unto the said John Moore Gentleman and John Eite in trust to sell the same to the highest bidder and to pay out of the Consideration Money thereof the Mortgage thereon and all other Expenses whatsoever arising in the Execution of this Trust, and divide the remainder of the money equally between my Sisters Dorothy Rogers, Elizabeth Cox, Sarah Towe alias Towle and my Nephew John Stone, and my Niece Mary Hall or to such of them as shall be then Living share and share alike
Item I give to my said Wife my working Frame
All the residue of my goods, Cattle, Chattels and personal Estate of What kind the same are or wheresoever they may be found I give to the said John Moore Gentleman and John Eite in trust to sell and dispose of the same for the Use of My Wife Margaret Guy and My sister Margaret Guy for and during the term of their Natural Lives or the Life of the Longer Liver and if any thing remain after both their deaths my will is that they the said John Moore Gentleman & John Eite shall divide the Same equally amongst the Legatees above mentioned and my Will further is that the aforesaid trustees shall not be answerable for any Loss or Losses which may happen without the neglect or default of themselves Neither shall one of them be answerable for any Loss happening thro the Neglect or default of the Other and I hereby nominate and Appoint the Said John Moore Gentleman and John Eite full and Joint Executors of this My Will hereby Revoking all former Wills at any time by me made Confirming this only as my Last Will and Testament
In Wittness Whereof I the said Testator have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Twenty seventh day of May One thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy One
Hugh Guy his Mark
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator for and as his Last will and Testament in the presence of us who have Subscribed our Names as Wittnesses in his presence at his Request
Willm Barnes
John Hawley
Henry Guttridge
The 25th day of Octr 1771 John Moore and John Eite the Joint Executors within named were sworn to the due Execution thereof
Before me Thos Myddelton Surrogt