Thomas Haines of Long Clawson 1567 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/258
In nomine dei amen the xxvii day of aprill in the yere of our Lorde god 1567 I Thomas Haines of Claxton in the countie of Leicester husbandman beinge hole of minde & in good remembrance make this my last will & testamente in maner & forme folowinge
Firste I bequiethe my soule to my lord god allmightie & my body to be buried I the church yarde of Claxton
Provided my worldly goods
In primis I bequiethe to the mother church of Lincoln iid
Item to the pore people of Claxton iiis iiiid
Item to the maintenance of the churche of Claxton iis
Item I will Katherine my wife & Richard my sonne to be my full executors
Item I bequiethe to Thomas my sonne ii … & x sheepe indifferently to be sett for the at the discretyon of the overseers
Item I bequiethe to Luke my sonne x shepe & ii … to be sett for the in maner aforesaid
Item I bequiethe to Margarett my dawghter one cowe & x shepe to be sett for the in maner aforesaid
Item I will unto my said daughter Margarett a brasse pott & a brasse panne my ambry iii platters of pewter & iiii paire of Linnen shetes & a bord clothe of Linnen, & a Linnen towel
Item I bequiethe unto my wives eldest dawghter Margerie a brasse panne & ii pewter porringers & a pewter platter
Ite I bequiethe unto ii of my godchildren John Browghton & Frances Bayly iiiid a pece
Item to Marie my wives dawghter ii pewter porringers & a pewter platter
Item I … will my executors aforsaid to pay all my detts & legacies that can be asked of dewtie righte & conscience
Item I bequiethe all the reste of my goods unbequiethed & my detts which anie may oweth me unto my executors aforsaid equally to be devyded betwixte them in the maner aforesaid
Item I will that if Richard my Sonne or Thomas my sonne Luke my sonne or Margaret my dawghter do departe of this Lyfe then the goods of those that do departe to be devyded equally amongeste the reste if they be not married
Item I will that my executors aforesaid do fynde my sonne Thomas my sonne Luke & Margarett my dawghter sufficient foode and clothe until the yeres of discretion for the increase of their stocke
Item I desire my Landlord in Edwarde Andrewes for gods sake to graunte the same good will which he hath promised me unto my executors & to graunt that intereste unto them which I have in the farme
These be the witnesses Philippe Haines Clerke Richard Browne husbandman & Thomas Briggs Laborer
Thies be the overseers Richard Browne husbandman and Thomas Briggs laborer
Probate 1567