John Hand of Harby 1570 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1570 and Probate Copy PR/I/261
In the name of god amen the xxiiiith day of Marche in the yeare of lord god 1569 That I Jhon Hand of Harby in the Contey of Leicester sicke in body and of good remembrance doo constitute & make my last will and Testiment in Maner and forme folowinge
First I bequeth my soule to allmighty god my maker and redimer and my body to by buried within the Churche yarde of Harby
Item I bequeth to my wyffe Elizabeth Hand the thridde parte of all my goods
The other ii partes I bequeth to my ii Sonnes Thomas Hand and George Hand equali devided and my Debtes to be payd uppon the wholle
Itm I will if god doo call anye of my Children before they comme to Lawfull age that his parte shalt remene to the longar liver of them
And yf my wyffe doo mary I will that she shalt put in sufficient bonds for the preformans of my children parte
I will that Thomas Hand and Rychard Hand my Bretherne shalbe the Supervisers of this my will and testiment and to have for there penes ether of them xiid
These be the debts whiche I doo owe
Imprimis to Christofoar Squeres of Melton Mowbery vis vid
Item to Mr Rychard Thorpe parson of Harbye xs
These are owing unto me
Cicili Tompson xxis vid
No signature and no witnesses
An Inventarie of the goods and Cattell of Jhon Hand of Harby in the Countye of Leicester disseassed the xxiiiith day of March Anno domini 1570 praysed by Thomas Yves Jhon Brodell Wyllyam Holmes Thomas Hand
Imprimis ii oxson the price | iiil vis viiid |
Item i carve | xxs |
Item i mare | xxs |
Item x sheepe | xl is viiid |
Item of corne and hie in the house and yerde and in the fildes | iiiil |
Item i … and a … | xxs |
Item in houshould stuffe | iiil |
Item ii Swyne | vis viiid |
The Somme totalis | vl |