Handley William 1671 of Long Clawson will and inventory

William Handley of Long Clawson 1671 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Wills, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records

Memoranda that at or upon the third day of October In the yeare of our Lord God 1670 William Handley late whilest he lived of Long Clawson within the Archdeaconry of Leic, being of perfect mynde and Memory, & having A mynde to declare & make his last Will & testamt nuncupative as followeth viz he did give & bequeath unto his daughter Mary And Judeth to each of them twenty pounds of Lawfull money of England, to be payd unto them when they shall accomplish their severall ages of one and twenty yeares

All the rest of her [sic] goods & Chattels whatsoever he did give unto Judieth Handy [sic] his Wife whome he did make his whole & Soule Executrix of this his last Will & testament nuncupative

These words or words to the like effect was declared by the sayd William Handley, in the presence & hearing of Thomas Marriott & others

Thomas Marriot Senior


A true and perfect Inventory of the goods and chattells of Will Handly deceased the two and twentieth day of December 1670

Imp His purse and apparel and money owing upon bond 38 0 0
Item in the house a cubbard tables and rackins & other materialls 1 0 0
Item In the farthest parlour a bedstead & bedclothes & cubbard & two chests      
& one coffer 2 8 0
Item New cloth and a bed covering & a set of curtains 1 10 0
Item Three pillows a bolster and Linnen 1 0 0
Item a warming pan a chair and bible 0 11 6
Item The nearest parlour a bed bedstead a pan &c 1 0 0
Item in the Buttery shelves & milk vessels 0 3 4
Item Butter and cheese & bacon with pewter and brass 1 18 0
Item a cheese heck and a bedstead and other small things 0 5 0
Item In the chamber over the house a bedsted & wheels 1 0 0
Item boards and plow timber 0 13 4
Item a cheesepress kitts and grindle stone 0 5 4
Item barley and wheat coals and hay 4 0 0
Item two cows three young bease and a calfe 7 10 0
Item Eleven Sheep 1 13 4
Item All manner of tools whatever belonging to his trade 2 0 0
Item Things unseen and forgott 0 5 0
  65 2 1

John Reay Vic

Tho Marriott Senior

John Marritt

Bond 30 June 1671, bound Judieth Handley spinster [sic] and Thomas Marriot yeoman both of Long Clawson £130, condition bounden Judith Handley Sole Executrix of William Handley carpenter doe well and conveniently educate and bring up the said Mary Handley and Judith Handley [the under-age daughters of William Handley] with sufficient and convenient meate, drinke, lodging and Apparrell meete and decent for their estate and calling during their minoritie and also to pay cause them to be paid their legacy when they come of age.

                                                                                                         Judith Handley

                                                                                                         Thomas Marriott

Will: Handly carpenter buried 23 December 1670 in Long Clawson