Hardall John 1640 of Long Clawson will and inventory

John Hardall of Long Clawon1640 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1640/60

In the name of god Amen, Anno dni 1640 the xxxith day of May In the yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of god kinge of England Scotland France & Ireland defender of the fayth &c the sixteenth I John Hardall of Claxton alis Clawson in the countie of Leicester batcheller sick in bodie but of good & perfect memorie praised be god, doe make & ordaine this my last Will & Testament in manner & forme hereafter following

First I bequeathe my soule to almightie god my onely maker & redeemer, Trustinge in him onelie to be saved, by the precious bloud of Jesus Christe, and my bodie to be buried in the Churche yard of Claxton aforesaid, and my worldly goods as followeth

First I give unto the poore of Claxton aforesaid vis viiid to be devided amongst them at the discretion of my executors

Itm I give unto my Sister Elizabeth Kirbie xs

Itm I give unto everi one of the Children of Michaell Hardall my naturall brother late of Claxton deceassed xs apeece

Itm I give unto everi one of the children of William Hardall late of Flinthome in the countie of Notts deseassed xs apeece

Itm I give unto everi one of the Children of Robert Hardall my naturall brother late of Elson [sic] in the saide countie of Notts deseassed xs apeece

Itm I give unto the children of my brother Henry Marrytte of Claxton aforesaide, everi one xs apeece

Itm I give unto the Children of my Sister Elizabeth Kirbie everi one xs apeece

Itm I give unto Daniell Caunte sonne of Robert Caunt beinge one of my Sisters sonne xs

All which said Leagacies my will is shalbe paiable unto soe many of them as shalbe then at lawfull age within one twelvemonthe next after my deseace & soe to all the rest as they shall come to lawfull age afterwards

Moreover I give unto William Marryt sonne of the aforesaide Henrie Marryt one Coffer

Itm I give unto Alice Marrytte one of the daughters of the saide Henrie one Cheest

Itm I give unto Margeret Marrytte daughter of the saide Henrie one Coverlid & my best puter platter

Itm I give unto Alice Kirbie daughter of the aforesaide Elizabeth Kirbie one flaxen sheet

Itm my debts & Leagacies beinge paid & funarall exspences discharged I give unto Richard Hicklinge my brother in law and my aforesaid brother Henrie Marrytte All the residue of my goods unbequeathed, And doe make them Joynt executors of this my last will and Testament

In witnesse whereof I the said John Hardall have hereunto made my marke & sette my seale the day & yeare above written

                                                                                                         The marke & seale of John Hardall

Theis beinge witnesses

Tho: Storer

Andrew Guy his marke


A true Inventorie of all the goods & Chattels of John Hardall late of Claxton alis Clawson in the countie of Leicester deseassed Taken by Thomas Michell Richard Hoult and Thomas Storer of the same Towne husbandmen the xxiiiith day of June 1640

  £ s d
In primis his purse and his apparell 1 10 6
Itm two Coverlids, one boulster, one pillowe and one blankette 0 13 4
Itm one Mattresse and one quilt 0 5 0
Itm one flaxen sheete 4 harden sheets one pillowe bere and three napkins 0 13 4
Itm one Cheist, and one Coffer 0 12 4
Itm three puter platters 0 1 8
Itm mony oweinge unto the Testator 28 0 0
                                                                                         Sum total 31 16 2

By us Tho: Michell his marke

Richard Hoult

Tho: Storer

Probate 7 September 1640