Richard Healy of Eastwell 1667 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1667
In the name of God Amen the 18th day of February in the yeare of our Lord God 1662 according to the account of England I Richard Healy of Eastwell in the County of Leicester yeoman being whole and sownd in Body and minde and of good and perfect memory (Praysed bee God therefore) do make and ordayne this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following
Imprimis I give and bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Maker hopeing for mercy and Salvation onely by and through the all sufficient meritts and satisfaction of Jesus Christ my gratiouse Redeemer and blessed Saviour
My Body I comitt to the earth from whence it was taken to bee decently buryed as my Executors & frends shall see fit
As for my wordly goods I do give and bequeath and dispose of them in manner and forme following
Imprimis I give and bequeath unto Henry Healy my Sonne 12d
It I give & bequeath to Bridget Jenkinson my daughter 12d
It I give to Mary the wife of Richard Rilye my daughter 12
It I give to Elizabeth the wife of Lyonell Green my daughter 12d
It I give to William Healy my Sonne 12d
It I give & bequeath to my now loveing wife Joyce alias Jease all her owne portion in whose hands forever it bee
Also I give & bequeath to her the sayd Jease & her Children thirty pownds to bee payd to them or her by ten pownds yearely the first payment to bee within one yeare next after my decease provided and upon condition that they nor none them shall lay clayme to or take to themselves any part or portion of goods either within dores or without except her owne proper goods which she brought …
It I doe give & bequeath to Solomon my youngest Sonne all that my mansion or farme house with all yards orchards easements barnes stalls & other edifices & buildings thereunto belonging whatsoever as allso all those three Oxeganges of Land in the fields bee it more or lesse with all appurtenances thereof as also all and every those three Cottages with all things to them belonging all lying & beeing in Staterne [sic] & the precincts thereof & whatever else is myne within the Sayd Bownds
It I give sixe shillings & eightpence to bee layd out on Something for the Church of Eastwell as the present Minister shall see fit
It I give 6s8d to the pore to bee disposed as the Minister & Overseers shall see fit
It I doe give & bequeath to my Sone Richard Healy now with mee all my Leases & whatever I hold at Eastwell, Eaton & Hose
And all my other goods & chattles undisposed of & (my Legacyes & Debts being first payd & funeral discharged by the said Richard) my will & pleasure is that hee the sd Richard shall have all whome allso I doe hereby make & constitute the Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament
It my will is that if either of my two Sonnes viz Richard or Solomon shall dye without issue lawfully begotten or unmarryed that then the Lands or leases hereby bequeathed shall goe to the Survivor Or if both so dye unmarryed or without issue that then it bee equally divided amongst the rest of my children or their Heires
Moreove I does desire my loveing wife Jease & her brother Thomas Rilye of Newbold & my Sonne William Healy of Braunston to bee the Overseers of this my last Will & that they have for their paynes & care & [small hole] herein 2s … and untill my Sonne Richard come to the age of eighteen yeares
In witnesse of all which I have hereunto set my hand & Seal the day & yeare above written
Richard Healy his marke
Christopher Wright
Margaret Healy her marke
Thomas … his marke
John Wright
November 18th 1667
Know all men whom it may concerne that I Richard Healy doe add these things following to my former Will on the other side, both which to … I doe owne as my Present will & Testament
1 And that my Will is that my wife Jease shall have the house knowne by the name of the Woole house for an habitation for her & her children charge free during her Widdowhood
2ly That Richard my Sonne shall each yeare fetch her one Load of Coles … dureing her widowhood shee paying for them at the pitts
3ly My Will is that eight pownd which is now due for the Interest of her portion in the hands of William Allen now or late of … in Northamptonshire if shee bee with childe shall bee for the use of her & … childe And if shee have no child by mee then that eight pownds shall accrue to Ric: my Sonne
4ly My Will is that Ric: my Sonne shall have the next halfe years Rent of all my tenements & land at Statherne … … … allowing Solomon his Brother his Diet & all things necessary till the next halfe years rent come due Or if Solomon see fit to leave his Brother then Richard to have but one halfe of the sayd halfe years Rent and Solomon the other halfe
6 [sic] My will is that Solomon my Sonne shall have the Bedstead in the farre chamber over the old parlor with Mattirce Bolster 2 pillows 2 Blankets one Coverlid two paire of flaxen sheet Richard shall allso let him have one of the next yeares foales & keep it for him till it bee two yeares old
Richard Healy his Marke
Christopher Wright
William Hudson his marke
Probate 12 February 1667/8