William Heath of Eastwell 1587 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1587
In the name of God Amen the last daye of October in the xxviiith yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god Queene of Englande France & Ireland Defender of the faithe &c I Willm Heathe Clarke parson of Eastwell in the countye of Leycester beinge in prefecte memorye doe constitute & make this my laste will & testament in manner & forme followinge viz
Firste I give & bequeathe my Soule to Almightye god my hevenlye maker & Redemer & my bodye to be buryed in the chancel at Eastwell
Concerninge the bestowinge of my temporall goodes
Firste I give & bequeath to the repaire of the churche of Eastwell aforesaid twenty Shillinges
Itm I give unto everye one of my god children xiid
Itm I give unto everye Cottager in Eastwell xiid
Itm I give to the pore in Stackthorne xiiis iiiid to be dispoased at the discretion of Anne my wyfe
Itm I give & bequeathe to Harbye to the mendinge of their highwais being the Queens high waye fyve shillinges And I desire my neighours Willm Portman to see it bestowed where he thinkethe good in the said highe wayes
Itm I give unto my Sister Joan Starclye tenne Shillinges
Itm I give & bequeathe to Eastwell aforesaid towards the mendinge & Repayringe of their towne welle vis viiid to be bestowed at the Discretion of my neighbour Willm Portman
Itm I give & bequeath unto Alice More my Sarvente one Cowe & a bed furnished with bolsters & bed clothes
The residue of my goodes unbequeathed my debtes & legaces beinge payed I give & bequeath unto Anne my wyfe whom I make my Sole executrix of this my laste will & testament
Witnesses of this Testament Willm Portman als Pulless Nicholas Perpoynte Willm Crosse & Willm Baylie
Probate 3 July 1587