Nicholas Hickling of Long Clawson 1579 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1579/104
In the name of god Amen in the yeare of our lord god 1579 and in the iii day of September I Nycholas Hicling of Claxton in the Countey of Leicester whole in mynd but sycke in bodey and of good and perfect remembrance, thankes be geven to allmyghtye god I do ordayn and make this my last wyll and Testament in maner and forme following
Fyrst I bequeth my Sole to allmyghtye god my maker, and redemer, and my bodye to be buried in the Church yard of Claxton
Itim I geve unto Agnis my wyfe the lease of my house and all my Ryght in one halfe oxgang of land with all the residew of my goods and cattell which I now have
Itm I will that Agnis my wife shall pay unto Jhon my Sonne at the age of xvi yeares the somme of v li and at the age of xxi yeares the somme vi li
Itim I wyll that if my wife be now with child, and that it live to the age of xxi yeares then I bequeth unto it the Somme of vi li xs whereof iiii li xs shalbe deducted out of my other childes part, and my wife to pay other xls
Itim I geve unto Jhon my sonne my wynd mylne with all thappurtenancees after the decease of Agnis my wyfe
Allso I wyll that if god do call eyther of my Sayd Chyldren before they come to lawfull Age then my will is, that the whole portion of goods shall remayn to my other Child but and if that god do call theim both, under age, and without heares, then I will that my mylne shalbe equally devided in … Amongest the hears of Rychard Hicling, Wyllm Hicling, and Antony Hicling and allso I will that Agnis my wife shall pay unto Edward Gey and to every one of those my brethren xxs if god do call my children before they receve theyr parts
Allso I do make Agnis my wife my full executrix of this my last will and Testament and I do make Edward Gey and Rychard Hicling overseers of this my will and to receive my childrens parts to theyr uses
These witnesses Jhon Hicling Curate, Edward Gey, Rychard Hicling and Robert Caunt
The Inventorye of all the goods and cattell of Nycholas Hickling of Claxton late deceassed vewed and praysed the 6 day of October in the year of our lord god 1579 by these men whose names be under written Edward Gey Wyllm Hicling Robert Caunt and Rychard …
Fyrst his apperrill with the money in his purse | xxs |
Itim in the house one cobboard and A pan | xiis |
Itim a bord a chear with the formes | iiiis |
Itim all the pewter and brase | iii li |
Itim all the implements about the fyre | iiiis |
Itm all the implements of woode as loomes kettes and wheles | xs |
In the pearloure | |
Fyrst all the naperye Ware | … |
Itim the matreisses bed hillinges | xxvs |
Itim the coverlids boulsters and blankets | xxs |
Itim paynted clothes and coushinges | vs |
Itim the coffers and bedsteads | xiis |
Itim … cloth woole and yarne | xxiis |
Itim a gavelocke with cayrtayn other implements at the mylne | iiiis |
Itim the coles and lethers with all the wood in the yard | xviiis |
Itim the corne and hay | iiii li |
Itim iii kyne | iii li |
Itim iiii Shepe | viiis |
Itim the … and pulline | xiiis |
Suma totalis 21 li 7s |
Probate 12 October 1579