Richard Hickling of Long Clawson 1595 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/216/46
In the name of god Amen in the yeare of our lord god 1587 the second day of Februarye, I Rychard Hickling of Claxton carpenter in the Countie of Leicester, sycke in bodye but whole in mynd & of good & perfect remembrance thanks be geven to god, I doe ordayn and make this my last wyll & testament in maner & forme followinge
First I bequeth my sole to almyghtie god, my creator & Redemer & my body to be buried in the church yard of Claxton aforesayd
Itim I doe geve unto Margaret my daughter one brended cow, my best brasse pott, my best pann, my best coffer, three Coverlits, one mattrise, tow pyllowes, one boulster, tow payre of flaxen shetts, three payre of harden shets, syx peces of pewter, one bedstead, one ewe, & one ewe hoge, on candlestick, & one chaffendish
It I geve to Robert Jackson children one ewe and one ewe lambe hoge to his wyfe
Itim I will my wyfe shall have the use of halfe my quicke goods during her naturall lyfe, & then to remayn unto my sonne Wyllm
Itim I geve unto my sonn Wyllm the hovel, with all the offal wod without the dors
Itm the rest of all my goods movable & unmoveable, unbequeathed to be devided equallye betwixt my wyfe & Wyllm my sonne
Itim I doe appoynt and make Wyllm my sonne my full & sole executor of this my last wyll & testament and Wyllm Hicklinge & Robert Knot Overseers of the same
Witnesses Oliver Ward, Wyllm Hicklinge & Robert Knot
Probate 25 September 1595