Edward Hoe of Long Clawson 1676 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1676/92
Be it remembered That on the Seaventeen day of Aprill in the eight and Twentieth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King Defender of the faith Anno Dni 1676 Edward Hoe late whilst he lived of Claxton als Long Clawson in the Countie of Leic yeoman being sick and weake of body but of perfect minde and memorie and with an intent to make and declare his last will and Testamt nuncupative or by word of mouth uttered these words following or words to the same effect viz
First he did give unto his Second Sonne Edward Hoe thirtie pounds of good and lawfull money to be paied unto him within one yeare next after his decease by his Executor
And alsoe did give to his Daughter Elizabeth Hoe thirtie pounds in good money and alsoe did give and bequeathe unto her halfe his household goods at present the said thirtie pounds to be paied unto her when she should have accomplished her age of one and twentie yeares and further said That if the said Elizabeth and John Hoe the heire her brother and Executor of this will cannot accord to dwell peaceablely together until such tyme as she attaine her said age that from the tyme of her departure from her said brother then the said John Hoe is to pay and render the use of the said thirtie pounds to the said Elizabeth Hoe for her better maintenance and content
And alsoe did give and bequeathe unto his third sonne Robert Hoe twentie pounds to be paied to him within half a yeare next after the expiracon of his Apprentishipp of Seaven yeares
And alsoe did give unto his youngest Sonne Richard Hoe thirtie pounds whereof ten pounds should be to bind him Apprentice therewith and the remainder being twentie pounds to be paied him by my Executor within halfe a yeare next after the expiracon of his Apprentishipp
And further did Declare himself that if it should soe happen that the said Edward Hoe Elizabeth Hoe Robert Hoe and Richard Hoe or any of them Die before they or any of them have or hath received their said porcons or legacies that then the said porcon or legacie of such deceased shall … and be equally devided amongst the said surviving children the heire onely excepted
And further said if two or more of the above named Children died before they have received their menconed porcons that then the porcons of such deceased children should remain and be equally devided amongst all the surviveing children the eldest sonne and heire having and equall share and proporcon thereof
And did nominate and appointe John Hoe his eldest Sonne and heire to be the Sole Executor of this his will nuncupative which … the said Edward Hoe did declare in the presence and heareing of diverse credible witnesses whose names are hereunto sett viz
The marke of Hugh Guy
Thomas Fawlkes
A true and perfect Inventory of all the Goods and Chattels of Edward Hoe of Claxton als of Long Clauson in the County of Leicester deceased the eighteenth day of April Anno Dom: 1676 as they were prized and valued by us whose names are hereunder written
Imp: his purse and apparel | 02 | 01 | 00 |
It Twenty sheep with the Lambs | 10 | 05 | 00 |
It Two Mares and a foal | 26 | 13 | 04 |
It three Mares more | 20 | 00 | 00 |
It Two yearling foales | 10 | 03 | 04 |
It five cows and a yearling calf | 17 | 13 | 04 |
It Two piggs | 00 | 30 | 00 |
It Corn on the ground and hay | 30 | 00 | 00 |
It Old corn pease wheat and barley | 00 | 30 | 00 |
It Cart and Cart geers | 05 | 06 | 08 |
It Plow and plow geers Harrow and Harrow geers and plow timber | 01 | 06 | 08 |
It fleaks and sheep cribbs and old wood | 01 | 00 | 00 |
It Manure in the yard | 01 | 00 | 00 |
It Coals | 00 | 05 | 00 |
It In the parlour two beds Curtains and featherbed sheets and other things | |||
belonging to them | 02 | 06 | 08 |
It A Chest a coffer a press with a peec of new cloath | 01 | 05 | 00 |
It In the Dairy Three pans bacon milk vessells and barrells | 01 | 10 | 00 |
It In the chamber a bedsted a covering and tubbs and other small things | 00 | 16 | 04 |
It Two potts and a pan and 4 peuter dishes flagon and candlestick | 01 | 00 | 00 |
It A press and a table and form and chairs | 01 | 00 | 00 |
It fire Irons peals and rackins fire shovel and tongues | 00 | 03 | 00 |
It A shovel and spade 3 ladders forkes and straw with other things unseen and | |||
forgott | 00 | 06 | 08 |
137 | 12 | 00 |
Probate 5 October 1676