John Hoe of Long Clawson 1684 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1684/194
In the Name of God Amen the One and Thirtieth day of August In the six and Thirtieth yeare of the Raigne of our Sovraigne Lord Charles the Second by the Grace of God king of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith &c Anno dni 1684 I John Hoe the elder of Claxton als Long Clawson in the County of Leicester Yeoman being sick and weake in Body but of Good and perfect mind and memory (praised bee Almighty God for it) doe make and Ordaine this my Last will and Testamt in manner & forme following (that is to say)
First I Comend my Soule to God my maker & Creatour hopeing through the onely Meritts of Jesus Christ my alone Saviour and Redeemer to bee made partaker of Life Everlasting And as for my Body I Comend it to the Earth to bee decently Interred
And as for my Goods Chattles Lands and Tenemts which it hath pleased God to Lend Mee I devise give and bequeath the same as followeth (that is to say)
First I doe give and bequeathe unto Elizabeth my now wife all my Messuages Closses Lands Tenemts and Hereditamts with theire appurtenances scituate Lying and being in Claxton als Long Clawson aforesaid To have and to hold to my said wife Elizabeth and her Assignes for and dureing the Tearme of her Natural Life And from
& after her Decease I doe give and bequeath unto my Youngest sonne Richard Hoe & to his Heires and assignes forever The One Moyety or halfe parte of All that my Halfe Oxgange of Arable Land Meadow and Pasture ground with thapurtences lyeing and being within the Towne feildes Libertyes Territoryes and precincts of Claxton als Long Clawson aforesaid Which said Halfe Oxgange Joane Hoe widdow my late Mother decd by good Conveyance and Assureance in the Law settled upon Mee and my Heires for ever And allsoe one Third parte in Three parts to be devided of All that my Three Quarters of Land with thappurtences (bee it more or lesse) which I Lately purchased of my Brothers Richard Hoe and Wm Hoe Upon Condicon that my said sonne Richard Hoe his heires and assignes doe or shall within One yeare next after the death of Elizabeth my said wife well and truly satisfie and pay unto Each of my Daughters Mary Hoe and Elizabeth Hoe if they be then Liveing and have attained to the Age of One and Twenty Yeares or soe soone as they shall attain to One & Twenty yeares of Age after the Death of Elizabeth my said wife the Sume of Tenne pounds apeece of Lawfull Mony of England But if it shall Happen that if either of my said Daughters Mary Hoe and Elizabeth Hoe shall dye and departe this Life before her Legacy of Tenne pounds shall become due and payable Then Hee the said Richard Hoe his heires and assignes shall onely pay unto the Survivor of my said Daughters Mary and Elizabeth the Sume of fifteene pounds of Lawfull mony of England within one yeare next after the death of Elizabeth my said wife if my said Daughter soe Surviveing shall have then attained to the Age of One and Twenty Yeares
Item I doe give and bequeathe unto my eldest sonne Thomas Hoe and his heires and assignes forever from and after the death of Elizabeth my said wife All those Twoe partes in … Equall partes to bee devided Of all that my aforesaid Three Quarters of an Oxgange of Land with thapurtences (bee it more or lesse) which I lately purchased of my said Brothers Richard Hoe and Wm Hoe Upon Condicon that if my said Sonne Thomas Hoe his heires and assignes doe or shall within One Yeare next after the Death of Elizabeth my said wife well and truly satisfye and pay unto Each of my said Daughters Mary Hoe and Elizabeth Hoe if they bee then Living and have attained to the Age of One and Twenty Yeares or soe soone as they shall attaine to the Age of One and Twenty Yeares after the death of Elizabeth my said wife The Sume of Tenne pounds apeece of Lawfull mony of England But if it shall happen that if either of my said Daughters Mary Hoe & Elizabeth Hoe shall dye and departe this Life before the said Legacy of tenne pounds shall become due and payable Then hee the said Thomas Hoe his heires and assignes shall onely pay unto the Survivour of my said Daughters Mary and Elizabeth the sume of fifteene pounds of Lawfull mony of England within one Yeare next after the death of Elizabeth my said wife if my said Daughter soe Surviveing shall have then attained to the Age of One and Twenty Yeares
And my will and Mind is That if either of my said sonnes Thomas Hoe & Richard Hoe and theire heires and assignes shall pay the Legacyes hereinbefore given unto my said Daughters Mary Hoe and Elizabeth Hoe as the same shall become due and payable unto them according to the true Intent and meaninge of this my will Then my will and mind is that which of my said Daughters shall bee unpaid theire said Legacy as aforesaid by which of my said Sonnes that ought to pay the same That then my said Daughter or Daughters Mary Hoe and Elizabeth Hoe shall Enter upon hold and Enjoy thaforesaid Lands and hereditamts hereinbefore devised unto either of my said Sonne or Sonnes that ought to pay the same whose Lands are charged or chargeable with the paymt of her said Legacy and Receive the Rents Issues and profitts thereof until she bee fully satisfied & paid the same with the Interest thereof from the time the said Legacy became due & payable
Item I give and bequeath unto my Loveing freinds Richards Fawkes Wm Marriott & John Hoe the Younger all of Long Claxton aforesaid Yeomen and theire heires and assignes and the Survivour of them and the heires and assignes of such survivour The other Moyety or halfe parte of All that my aforesaid One Halfe Oxgange of Arrable land Meadow and pasture ground with theire apptennces Lyeing and beinge within the feildes and Libties of Claxton aforesaid which said halfe Oxgange Joane Hoe widd my late mother decd settled upon mee and my heires and assignes for Ever And of all Hades, Baulkes, Leyes, Lottgrass, plowland grasse, parteing grasse, Lyeing grasse, Lands, Ends, Comons and Comon of Pasture, Comodityes profitts and apptennces whatsoever to the sd Moyety or halfe parte of One Halfe Oxgange of Land belonging or therewith Used and Enjoyed and not hereinbefore by Mee devised To Have and To Hold the said Moyety of halfe parte of my aforesaid One Halfe Oxgange of Land with thaprtennces unto them the said Richard Fawkes Wm Marriott and John Hoe the younger and theire heires and Assignes Upon Speciall Trust and Confidence in them Reposed And to the Intent and purpose that they or the Survivour of them or the heires of such Survivour shall soe soone as conveniently may bee after my decease by saile or sailes or the said Moyety or halfe parte of my said one halfe Oxgange of Land with thaprtennces Graunt sell and convey the same Moyety or halfe parte of my said One halfe Oxgange of Land with thaprtennces at the best Rate and Valiew they can to any person or persons whatsoever and to his and theire heires and assignes that will purchase the same, And the Monyes thereof and thereby to be raised by saile or sailes of the said Moyety or halfe part of my said One halfe Oxgange of Land or any parte thereof shall in the first place fully pay and Satisfye all my Just debts If the sd Monyes soe raised by the saile of the premisses will pay my Debts and whatsoever the said Monyes soe raised by the saile of the premisses as aforesaid shall fall short of paying my Just Debts My desire is my Extrix hereafter named shall fully satisfye and pay the same out of my personal Estate herein and hereafter given unto her
All the rest of my Goods Chattles Cattle and personal Estate whatsoever unbequeathed I Give and bequeath unto my said Loveing wife Elizabeth Hoe whome I make My full and Sole Extrix of this my last will and Testamt the better to Enable her to pay such of my said Debts as shall not bee paid by the monyes raised by the saile of the sd Land hereinbefore devised to bee sold for the paymt of my debts and to maintaine my said Younger Children And I doe hereby Revoke all former wills an Testmts whatsoever heretofore my Mee made
In Witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale to Each sheete of this my last will consisting of Three sheetes the day and yeare first above written
John Hoe
Signed sealed published and delivered as the last will and Testamt of the said John Hoe thelder in the presence of us
George Manchester
William Barnard
Edward Hoe his marke
Olliver Goodburne