Thomas Hoe of Long Clawson 1665 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1665/90
In the name of god Amen this three & Twentieth day of January in the sixteenth yeare of our Soveraigne lord Charles the second by the grace of god king of England Scotland France & Ireland defender of the faith &c & in the yeare of our lord Christ 1663 I Thomas Hoe of Claxton als Long Clawson in the County of Leicester yeoman being sick of body but of good & perfect memory prased be god doe make & ordaine this to be my last will & testament in manner & form following
Imprimis I give & bequeath my soule to god that gave it and my body to be buryed in the Church yard of Clawson aforesaid & as for my worldly goods I doe despose of as followeth
Item I give & bequeath unto they poore of Clawson six shillings & eight pence
Item I give unto my son John Hoe halfe that oxgan of land which I purchased of Edward Marriott to him & his heires for ever the said John paying unto my son Richard Twenty pounds within the space of one yeare after he enter of the land
Item I give unto my son William Hoe the other halfe of the oxgan of land which was Edward Marriotts to him & his heires forever the said William paying unto my son Richard Twenty pounds within the space of one yeare after he enter of the land for his portion
Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Hoe all those Three lands & balke which I purchased of Thomas Goodwin to hir & hir heires for ever but further my mind & will is that if my son Thomas Hoe doe fullfill my will & pay unto his three sisters three score pounds that then the abovesaid three lands & balke I doe give to my son Thomas Hoe to him & his heires for ever
Item all the Rest of my lands unbequeathed I give unto my eldest son Thomas Hoe to him & his heires for ever
My mind & will is that my son Thomas Hoe doe pay unto my daughters Mary Hoe Twenty pounds within the space of one yeare after he doe enter of his land & Twenty pounds unto my daughter Margaret the next yeare after & Twenty pounds unto my daughter Elizabeth next yeare after that for there portions & my mind is that if any of my daughters depart this life before they have received there portion it shall be payed to them that are alive equally
All the rest of my goods moveable & unmoveable unbequeathed I doe give unto my loveing wife Joane for to bring up my small Children & doe make & ordaine hir to be sole Executrix of this my last will & Testament & I desire Thomas Marriott the eldest & Richard Hoe to be overseeours of this my last will & Testament
In wittnesse whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & yeare above written
Thomas Hoe
Read published sealed & declared in the presence of us wittnesses
Thomas Marriett Senior
Ralph Wattkin [his mark]
Probate 7 April 1665