Edward Hopkins of Nether Broughton 1826 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1826/108
In the Name of God Amen This is the last will and testament of Edward Hopkins Framework knitter of Nether Broughton in the County of Leicester
I do hereby Give and Bequeath to my Wife Ann Hopkins all my Goods and Chattels belonging unto me at my decease Except the Bed, Bedstead and Blankets &c belonging thereunto in the House Chamber with two Middle Sized pewter Dishes and Set of Drawers now standing in my said House which I give unto my daughter Mary now Mary Carter either at my desease or at her Mother’s which her Mother thinks proper so to do if her Mother thinks well to spare them dureing her lifetime if not at her Death
I likewise Give unto my Wife Ann Hopkins the Possession of my House and Home Close and all appurtenances thereunto belonging dureing her life she paying my Just Debts and funeral Expences all and every where except the Mortgage now oweing on my said House although paying the Interest up yearly for the same and keeping the House in tenantable repair dureing her life time And then at her Death I give and bequeath to my Son George Hopkins my said House at the desease of his Mother Ann Hopkins and Home Close adjoining with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging he paying the Legacys hereinafter mention’d unto his Brothers and Sisters and paying the Mortgage of my said House off that is to say
To my Son John Hopkins Five Pounds
To my Son William Hopkins Five pounds
To my Daughter Mary Carter Five Pounds
And to my daughter Ann Hopkins Five Pounds out of my said House to be paid at twelve months after the desease of my Wife
I likewise appoint my two friends Charles Lowe and Benjamin Payne my two trustees to settle any disputes that may arise likewise to divide my Furniture amongst my said Children equally as they think … at the Death of their Mother
I then give and appoint my Son George Hopskins my House and Home Close adjoining and appurtenances thereunto likewise my Executor at the death of his mother he paying the Legacys above stated and the Mortgage of my said House
As Witness our Hands this Sixteenth day of June One thousand Eight Hundred and Nineteen
Edward Hopkin
Signed Seal’d and delivered in the Presence of us all as Witness
W Reavill
John Whitaker
John Hopkin
December 13 1825
Let a probat be granted to George Hopkins of Nether Broughton Sole Executor named in the Will of Edward Hopkins who died at Nether Broughton in the month of July 1819
He the said George Hopkins, being duly sworn as well to the faithful execution of the Will as that the Testator’s Goods, Chattels & Credits, as they were at his death without deducting any debts owing by him therefrom, did not amount in value to the sum of twenty pounds
Before me William Greenwood Surrogate to the Commissary
12th Jany 1826
On this day Will exhibited and Probate decreed by the Reverend George Berkeley Mitchell Clerk MA and Surrogate in the presence of
John Stockdale Hardy Dep Regr