Hopkinson John 1586 of Stathern will

John Hopkinson of Stathern 1586 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1586/73

In the name of god amen the xxii day of December & in the year of our lord god 1581 I Jhon Hopkynson of Stathern beyng sycke in body but of good & perfecte rememberans thanks be to god doe make & ordayne this my last wyll & testament in maner & forme following

Fyrste & beqethe my soule to allmyghtye god & my bodye to be buried in the churche yerd of Staterne

It I gyve to the churche of Lyncoln iid

It I gyve to my wyf my best mare & my best cow

It I gyve to Edmund Barns my sonne in lawe a mare & a cow

It I gyve to Thomas Hopkynson my sonne the lease of the chawnterye & my … provided always yf my wyfe doe gyve & surrender after her decease the hows wherein we nowe dooe dwell to Thomas Hopkynson my soone then I wyll that Edmund Barns my sonne in lawe shall have the lease of the chawnterye

It I gyve to Thomas Hopkynson my sonne the calf of the Fyrste cowe that calveth & that calf to be rered & kept for hym untyll she be a cowe

It I gyve to every one of my other children vis viiid a peese

It I gyve to Richard Pachets wyf my best pote but one besyds her vi viiid

It I gyve to everye one of Edmunde Barns children & Richard Pachets children xiid a peese

It I gyve to everye one of Mathew Hopkynsons children iiiid a peese

It I gyve to everye one of my god children iiiid a peese

All the reste of my goods not bequethed I dooe gyve & bequethe to mye wyfe Edmund Barns & Thomas Hopkynson my sonne

It I doe make my wyfe the executor of this my last wyll & testament

It I wyll that they agreynge all well together shall not parte hows

Thes beyng wytnesses

Henry Hawtrey

Thomas Wyllson

James Duglas


The Inventorie of all the goods and cattle of John Hopkinsonne in the towne of Stathorne in the countie of Leicester latlie deceased taken and praised by Thomas … John Dicksonne Hewe Glene and Johne Parnam

Imprimis his pursse vid
Ite his raiment vis viiid
Ite one featherbed and a boulster xiiis iiiid
Ite 3 oulde bedsteads iiis iiiid
Ite 3 ould arkes iiis
Ite one ould ombre iiiis
Ite 8 peeces of pewter viiis
Ite 5 brasse pots and a pane xviis
Ite one friinge pane and two candlestiks is
Ite two tables a forme a cheare and the hangings of the haule xxis
Ite one pare querns vis viiid
Ite one leade vis
Ite one mashfat iii … one drie tube ixs
Ite 8 sawne bordes iiis iiiid
Ite the waine and waine geares xxs
Ite the plowe and plowe geares vis viiid
Ite one hovell with the woode about it xiiis iiiid
Ite one grindlestone xxd
Ite one oxe harrowe and twoe horse harrowes xiis
Ite one yoke of oxen v l
Ite one cowe xxs
Ite one mare xxvis viiid
Ite the … …harde and the … iiis iiiid
                                                       Summa totalis xv l is vid  

Probate 4 November 1586