Hopkinson John 1728 of Hickling will and inventory

John Hopkinson of Hickling 1728 Will, Inventory and Bond

Nottinghamshire Archives PR/NW

In the Name of God Amen The Twentieight day of December 1727 according to the Computation of the Church of England, I John Hopkinson of Hickling in the Countie of Nottingham yeoman, being of perfect memory and remembrance, praised be God, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, in manner and form following

First I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my maker, hopeing that through the meritorious Death and Passion of Jesus Christ my only saviour and Redeemer, to receive free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins; and as for my Body, to be buried in Christian Burial, at the discretion of my Executors hereafter nominated

It I give to my son John one oxgang of Land called Buttler Land and another Parcel of Land that was formaly Mansfields Land to enter upon at my decease, and I give him my House on that half oxgang of Land that was formaly Rowland Buttlers to enter upon at the Death of my wife, she haveing it for her Life

Item I give to my son Joseph Hopkinson one half oxgang of Land that was formaly Margret Dafts to enter upon when he comes to the age of two and twentie years to him and his heirs for ever he paying to my son Richard Hopkinson the sum of Twentie Pounds when he the said Richard shall come to the age of one and Twentie years, but if my son Joseph shall dye before he come to age enjoy his Land then I give that half oxgang of Land to my son Richard to him and his heirs for ever

Item I give that half oxgang of Land that I have given to my son Joseph to my wife till my son Joseph comes to the age of one and Twentie years

Item I give to my son Joseph fifteen Pounds to be paid by my Executors when he comes to the age of one and Twentie years

Item I give to my son Richard Twentie Pounds to be paid by my Executors when he shall come to the age of one and Twentie years

Item All the rest of my goods Whatsoever I give unto Mary my wife and my son John upon Condition that they shall pay all my Debts and Legacies and funeral charges whatsoever and I Joyn them Executors of this my last will and Testament revoking all other Wills and testaments

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day of the year first above writen

                                                                                                         John Hopkinson


Paul Hardy

Richard Chaplin his mark

Elizabeth Huckerby

An Inventory of the Goods of John Hopkinson of Hicklin in the County of Nottingham lately Deceased praised By us Whose names are under subscribed

  £ s d
Item Purse and Apparell 1 6 8
Item In the House 5 8 2
Item In the Parlour 3 1 3
Item In the Little Parlour 1 18 9
Item In the first Chamber 9 17 5
Item In the second Chamber 6 7 6
Item In the Milk House 1 3 4
Item In the Kictchen 1 11 4
Item Brass and Pewter 6 7 11
Item Corn on the Ground 65 0 0
Item Horses and Mares 87 15 0
Item for Cows young and old 19 10 0
Item for sheep 3 10 0
Item for swine 2 10 6
Item for Waggon and Carts and Gears 12 10 0
Item … … and sheep webs 00 17 6
Item plows and Harrow 01 01 0
Item for Hay 07 05 0
Item Manour in the yard and wheels 02 17 6
Item things seen and unseen 00 15 0
                                                                                                                                     £ 180 13 10

John Man

Paul Hardy

Bond, bound Mary Hopkinson widow of Hickling and Paul Hardy yeoman of Hickling 23 May 1728, condition bound Mary Hopkinson surviving executor of John Hopkinson’s will to execute will and produce inventory

                                                                                                         Mary Hopkinson

                                                                                                         Paul Hardy