Richard Hopkinson of Nottingham 1842 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1842
2nd June 1842 Hopkinson Richd of Nottingham £100
Extracted from the Registry of the Exchequer Court of York
This is the last Will and Testament of me Richard Hopkinson of the Town of Nottingham Gentleman
I give and devise all those two Messuages dwellinghouses or tenements situate standing and being in a yard in or near to Park Street in the said Town of Nottingham one of which is now in my own possession and the other of them in the occupation of Mr Cox unto and to the use of my Housekeeper Sarah Mountney for and during the term of her natural life And from and after her decease I give and devise the same unto and to the use of her natural Child Sarah Mountney the younger her heirs and assigns for ever in case the said Sarah Mountney the younger shall live to attain twenty one years of age But if she shall die under that age Then I give and devise the same unto and to the use of my Son William Hopkinson his heirs and assigns for ever
I give and devise all those my two Messuages dwellinghouses or tenements situate I and fronting towards Park Street aforesaid and now in the respective occupations of Mr Alliott and Mr Chester And also all those two other Messuages dwellinghouses or tenement situate in the said yard adjoining or near thereto and now in the respective occupations of Mr Woodhouse and Miss Hopkinson and all other my real Estate whatsoever and wheresoever not hereinbefore disposed of Unto and to the use of my Daughter Ann Thickett her heirs and assigns for ever Subject and chargeable nevertheless and I do hereby subject and charge the same Messuages and Real Estate so given to my said Daughter Ann Thickett to and with the payment of the clear sum of Seven shillings weekly and every week unto my said son William Hopkinson for and during the term of his natural life to be paid into his own hands or to whom he shall appoint by any Letter or Note in writing to receive the same the first payment to begin and be made at the expiration of one week next after my decease But I do hereby expressly direct and declare that in case my said son shall sell Mortgage or in any manner dispose of the said weekly sum or any part thereof by way of anticipation for more than five weeks at a time he shall absolutely forfeit the said weekly payment and the said Gift shall become extinguished as if he were actually dead And I do hereby direct that the said several Messuages or Tenements hereinbefore described and devised and the owners and occupiers thereof for the time being shall have the right and privilege of using the Privies and Pump and yard and other appurtenances as now enjoyed with the said Messuages or tenements respectively and that they shall bear an equal expence in cleansing and repairing the same when necessary And that any wall or walls dividing any of the said Messuages from any others or other of them shall be deemed party walls
I give and bequeath to my friend James Horrocks of Chapel Bar in the said Town of Nottingham Victualler the sum of Two hundred pounds (part of the sum of Four hundred pounds owing to me on Mortgage by John Doubleday of Long Clawson in the County of Leicester) Upon trust to put and place the same out at Interest on real or Government Security and pay the Interest or dividends thereof as the same shall be received unto my said Housekeeper Sarah Mountney for and during so long and such part of her natural life as she shall continue single and unmarried And from and after her decease or marriage which shall first happen Upon trust to pay the said principal sum of two hundred pounds to the said Sarah Mountney the younger if she shall be then living to and for her own use and benefit but if the said Sarah Mountney the younger shall be dead at the time of the decease or marriage of her said Mother which shall first happen Then upon trust to pay the said sum of Two hundred pounds unto my said son William Hopkinson his executors or administrators
I give and bequeath the sum of Two hundred pounds (being the remainder of the said sum of Four hundred pounds owing to me by the said John Doubleday) unto and equally between and amongst all and every the lawful issue Child and children of my said son William Hopkinson who shall be living at the time of my decease share and share alike
I give and bequeath to the said James Horrocks the sum of Five pounds as a token of acknowledgement for the Trouble he will be put unto in the execution of the trusts of this my Will
And as for and concerning all and singular the rest residue and remainder of my ready money and securities for money and the money thereby secured household Goods and furniture plate linen china debts rights credits personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof subject nevertheless to the payment of my just debts the Legacy of Five pounds heretofore given to the said James Horrocks and funeral and testamentary expences unto my said Housekeeper Sarah Mountney her executors and administrators absolutely
And I do hereby order and direct that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said James Horrocks his executors and administrators to reimburse himself and themselves out of the monies which shall come to his or their hands by virtue of this my Will all Costs charges and expences which he or they may sustain incur or be put unto in or about the execution of the trusts hereby in him or them reposed or in anywise relating thereto And that he or they shall not be answerable or accountable for or liable to make good any deficiency or loss that may happen to my Estate or Effects by the failure of any stock funds or security banker or other person whereon or with whom the same or any part thereof be place or deposited nor for any loss or damage that may happen thereto without his or their wilful neglect or default
And Lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint the said James Horrocks Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all former and other wills by me at any time or times heretofore made
In Witness whereof I the said Richard Hopkinson the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in or written upon three sheets of paper set my hand and seal in manner following (that is to say) to the two preceding sheets my hand only and to this third and last sheet my hand and seal this twenty fourth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine
Richard Hopkinson his Mark and seal
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Richard Hopkinson the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who being present at the same time in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses
John Brewster Solr Nottingham
Wm Shaw
Robt Jas Sykes
This Will was proved at York 1st July 1841 by the Oath of James Horrocks the sole Executor therein named to whom Probate was granted her having been first sworn duly to administer
Joseph Buckle Deputy Registrar
2nd June 1842 Let a Probate be made to James Horrocks of the Black Bull Inn Chapel Bar in Town and County of the Town of Nottingham Victualler the sole Executor named in the Will of the deceased
He having been first duly sworn as well to the faithful execution of the said Will as that the Testators Goods Chattels and credits within the Archdeaconry of Leicester without deducting anything on account of debts due and arising from the deceased are under the value of one hundred pounds and that the deceased died on the fifteenth day of May 1840
Before me Tho: Stevenson Surr to the Archdeacon
Same Day Probate dated signed by
J Stockdale Hardy Regr