Gregory Julian of Hose 1610 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/232
In the name of god amen I Gregorye Julion of the towne of Hose in the Countie of Leicester yeoman beinge sicke of bodye but of good and perfecte memory (praysed be god) the fifte of August Ano Dni 1608 And in the yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of God of England France and Ireland Kinge defender of the faith &c the sixte and of Scotland the fortieth twoe Doe make and ordeine this my last will and testamente … and order as followeinge
Imprimis I give my Soule to God that gave yt and my body to be buried in the Parish Church of the towne of Hose aforesaid
It I give to the heigh wayes or repareinge the same iiis iiiid
It to the aforesaid Parish Church iiis iiiid
It I give to the poorest and other poore people of the aforesaid towne vis viiid to be devided at the discretion of the minister and some other honest neighbour
It I give and bequeave to all and every child of all and every the Children of all my naturall sonns and daughters as if I had named them particulerly severally to everie one of them one Ewe sheepe or Lame hogge
It I give to every one of my Godchildren in Hose aforesaid xiid
It I give and bequeave to my Eldest Sonne and heire James Julion vis viiid
It I give and bequeave to my second natural sonne William Julion vis viiid
It I give and bequeave unto my third naturall Sonne Gregory Julion one whole oxgange of Land withall and everye the Appurtenances lyeinge and beinge within the feilds and limitts of Hose aforesaid Entendinge further to assure the same unto him as my learned Councell shall advyse me
It I give and bequeave unto my naturall Daughter Ann Kempe vis viiid
It I give and bequeave unto Robert Waller [?] my Sonne in Lawe and Isabell his wife vis viiid
It to my naturall daughter Mary Stringer I give and bequeave vis viiid
It I give and bequeave unto my daughter Eliner Wright vis viiid
It I give and bequeave unto my sonne in Lawe George Taylbye and Emmatt his wife vis viiid
It I give and bequeave unto my daughter Margery Burdhead vis viiid
It I give and bequeave unto my youngest daughter Joane Julion xxxli and soe much Linen and houshould stufe as my daughter Margery hath had to be payd unto hir at the age of one and twentie yeares
It I give unto Matthewe Spencer one of the Black weaning Calves
It I give unto Gregory Spencer the other black weaninge Calfe
It I give unto my Servant William Wright a heifer
The reste of my goods whatsoever unbequeaved I give unto my Sonne Gregory Julion whome I make and ordaine Executor of this my laste will and Testamente
It lastlye I make and ordaine my Sonne in Lawe Thomas Wright Clarke and my friend Robert Hicklinge overseers of this my last will and Testament desiringe them to have a speciall care to see the same performed Confermeinge this my laste will and Testamente with my hand and seal the day and yeare first above Written
Testes …
Thomas Wright minister
William Julion his marke
Probate 19 December 1610