Kenderdine William 1785 of Long Clawson will

William Kenderdine of Long Clawson 1785 Will

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1785

In the Name of God Amen I William Kenderdine of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson in the County of Leicester Yeoman being weak in Body but (blessed by God) of sound mind and memory but considering the uncertainty of this Life Do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (That is to say)

First I commend my Soul into the Hands of God who gave it me, and my Body to the Earth from whence it came in hopes of a Joyful Resurrection, And as for my worldly Estate which it hath pleased God to bless me with I dispose thereof in manner following

First I give and devise All that my Messuage or Tenement and Ancient Home Close to the said Messuage adjoining and belonging and All my Estate Right Title and Interest in and to a Certain Close commonly called Golfe Close and in and to  three certain Closes commonly called Musdales Closes all which premises are now in my own possession situate and being in Claxton otherwise Long Clawson aforesaid And also all my Real Estate whatsoever and wheresoever to my loving Wife Ann Kenderdine her Heirs and Assigns forever Subject nevertheless with or to the payment of the sum of One Hundred Pounds which I give and bequeath to my Son William Kenderdine (whom I suppose to be gone out of the Kingdom of England and from whom I have never heard since his Emigration out of the said Kingdom) to be paid to him at the decease of my said loving Wife Ann Kenderdine or if he now is or shall be Dead at the time of my decease and has left or shall leave Issue of his Body lawfully begotten then I will and direct the said Legacy of One Hundred pounds shall be paid in equal parts or portions to such Issue (or if but one Child then to such Child) at the decease of my said loving Wife, But in case my said Son William is now dead or shall happen to die without Issue of his Body lawfully begotten before my decease or otherwise cannot by any means whatsoever be heard of within the Space of Fifteen Years next after the Date of this my Will That then I will and direct that the said Legacy of One Hundred pounds shall immediately after the Expiration of the said Term of Fifteen Years after the Date hereof be paid out of the said Messuage Closes and premises to such person or persons and for such uses and in such manner as my said loving Wife shall in and by her last Will and Testament or any other Writing or Writings Deed or Deeds executed in the presence of three or more Credible Witnesses order and direct the same to be paid to and disposed of

And further I do hereby order and direct that if any default shall be made in payment of the aforesaid Legacy of One Hundred pounds or any part thereof at the time the same shall by virtue of this my last Will or by any order or direction which my said loving Wife shall make according to the power herein given to her become due that then it shall and may be lawful to and for any person or persons to whom the said Legacy or any part thereof shall be due and remain unpaid for the Space of six Months (the same being first lawfully demanded) either jointly or separately into all and singular my said Messuage Closes and premisses to enter into all and every or any part thereof and to have hold and enjoy the same and receive and take the Yearly rents and profits which shall become due for that part of the aforesaid premisses which I have full power to dispose of and so to continue to receive and take the said Rents and profits yearly untill out of same all sums then due to all or any of them shall be well and truly paid and all Costs and Charges attending the Recovery of the same

Lastly all and singular the Rest Residue and Remainder of my Household Goods other Goods Cattle Chattles Rights Credits and personal Estate of what kind soever and wheresoever I give and bequeath to my said loving Wife Ann Kenderdine for her proper use and disposal whom I do hereby make and appoint whole and sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament

In Witness whereof I the said William Kenderdine have to this my said last Will and Testament set my hand and Seal this Seventeenth Day of June In the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and eighty three

                                                                                                         William Kenderdine

Signed Sealed published and declared by the within named William Kenderdine as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereunto

Sarah Eite

Elizabeth Eite

Robert Goodacre

The 16 day of May 1785 Ann Kenderdine the Sole Executrix within named was sworn to the due Execution of the within written will

                                                                                                         Before me G Coulton Surrogate

And at the same made oath that the said personal Estate at the time of his death was not worth one hundred pounds

                                                                                                         G Coulton Surr