Henry Leake of Long Clawson 1667 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1667
In the name of god Amen June the Five and twentieth the yeare of our lord god one thousand six hundred sixtie and six
I Henrie Leake of Claxton alis Long Clawson in the countie of Leic yeoman sick in bodie butt of a good and perfect memorie blessed be god revoking all other wills by me formerlie made doe make and ordaine this my last will & Testament in manner & forme followinge
First I beqeath my Soule to almightie god in whom and by whom I trust to be saved through a little fayth in Jesus Christ and my bodie to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried in Christian buriall and as for my worldlie goods to be taken and had after my decease I give & bequeath as hereafter followeth vidlt
Imprimis I give and bequeath unto Richard Leake my loving Son six pounds ayeare of lawfull englishe mony to be paied to him or his assignes for and Duringe the time of his naturall lyfe which saied sume of six pounds is due unto me the sd Henrie my exector or assignes to be pd quarterle by even porcions by John Leake my eldest son (decd) his heires exectors or assignes by vertue of an Indenture of demise under his hand and Seal bearinge date the eighteenth Day of March in Anno Dni 1664
And after the decease of him the sd Richard then the sd sume of six pounds to be paied in the afforesd maner according to the sd Indenture unto Elizabeth Leake & Dorothie Leake my loving Daughters to be equallie devided between them during theire two natural lives & then to longer liver of them, and after the decease of the longer livd of them, then the sd sume of six pounds (yf he fortune to survive them) to the use & behoofe of my loving son Henrie Leake and his assignes for & during the tearme of his naturall Lyfe And after the decease of him the sd Henrie Leake the younger then to the right heires due to the afforesd premisses for ever
Item I give unto Alice Leake the Daughter of my sd Son John Leake to be pd by my son Henrie Leake or his assignes to be pd quarterlie by equall porcons 40s a year for ever provided that yf I the sd Henrie thelder my executor or assignes may & shall have the tuition and bringing of her up: otherwaies I give the sd sume of 40s and the sd whole lease of one & twentie yeares unto my sd son Henrie the younger & his asssignes
Item I give unto my sd son Ricd Leake the ashe bedstead in the parler with good furniture thereunto fit to lie in for a man and alsoe the frame table in the house & forme to it and all my appell linnen & woollen
Itm I alsoe give unto my saied Daughter Dorothie one oake … bedstead in the parler, the cubbard in the house with all the furtniture that is upon it
Itm I alsoe give unto my sd Daughter Elizabeth my best Joyned Cheist & my best Cheare
Item I alsoe give unto my sd son Henrie my great Cheist or coffer in the parler
& I alsoe give unto Thomas Barton & Richard Fawkes the younger twelve pence apeece whom I intreat and make overseers of this my last Will and Testament
And I allsoe give the sd Elizabeth & Dorothie to pay my debts leagacies and funarall expences all my corne hay goods cattel & chattells whatsoever unbequeathed whom I make and ordaine to be sole Joynt executrixes of this my will & testament
In witness whereof I the sd Henrie Leake thelder have hereunto sett my hand & seale the day and yeare above written
Henrie Leake
Tho: Storer
George Manchester
John Caunt
Probate 26 April 1667