Robert Mann 1731 Will and Inventory
In the Name of God Amen The fifth day of September in the Year of our Lord 1728
I Robert Man of Hickling in the County of Nottingham Currier being very sick and weak of Body but of sound and perfect Mind and Memory, Praise be given to Almighty God therefore, do make and constitute this my present last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say)
First and principally, I commend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God, hoping thro’ the Merits, Death and Passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ, to have full and free Pardon and Forgiveness of all my Sins, and to inherit everlasting Life and my Body I commit to the Earth, to be decently buryed at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named and as touching the Disposition of all such Temporal Estate as it has pleased God to bestow upon me, I give and dispose thereof as followeth
First, I Will That my Debts and Funeral Charges shall be payd and discharged
Item I give unto my Nephew Stephen Man Yeoman One Oxgang of Land commonly called by the Name of Buttlers Land, to him and his Heirs for ever
Item I give unto Richard Cross of Broughton Sullney One Oxgang of Land called by the Name of Pepper to him and his heirs for ever
Item According to my Will, I require Stephen Man aforesd and Richd Cross aforesd to pay unto my Nephew William Man the Sum of five pounds each a Year after my decease
Item I give to my Nephew William Man one third part of an Oxgang of Land bought of One Fillingham to him and his Heirs forever
Item I give unto John Man Senr. at the Brigg ten pounds which he has now in his own Hands
Item I give to the Daughters of Sarah Brown of Long Claxton which shall be alive at my Decease four pounds each to be payd them a Year after my Interrment
Item I give to Elizabeth Browns two Daughters of Hickling four pounds a piece to be payd them a Year after my Decease
Item I give unto Stephen Man of Waltham forty Shillings to be payd a Year after my Intermt
Item I give unto John Farr that now lives at or near Gainsborough forty shillings to be payd him a year after my decease.
Item I give unto the poor of Hickling the Sum of Five Pounds now lying in the Hands of George Daft eldest son of late Richard Daft of the Dove Coat and the Interest thereof to be payd yearly amongst them at the Discretion of my Executors for ever
Item I give to the School of Hickling the Sum of Five pounds being now in the Hands of Widow Hopkinson Relict of John Hopkinson late deceas’d and the Interest thereof to be payd Yearly to the Schoolmaster for ever
Item I do make, constitute and ordain my Nephew Stephen Man and my Nephew William Man to be my Sole Executors to pay and discharge the several Sum or Sums above mentioned and I do hereby revoke, disannul and make void all former Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament.
In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the Day and Year abovewritten.
The Mark of Robert Man
Sign’d Seald Publishd & Declared in the presence of us the Subscribers
Wriggan Webster
James Eite
William [?] Moore
A true and perfect inventory of all the goods and chattells of and belonging unto Robert Mann, Batcholour of Hickling Appraised by us Augst 15th 1730
£ | s | d | |
Purse and apparell | 23 | 0 | 0 |
Bed and cloths and furniture in his Room or Chamber | 10 | 0 | 0 |
Tot | 33 | 0 | 0 |
Wriggan Webster
Robert Smith
Bond, bound Stephen Man yeoman of Hickling, Wriggan Webster Cleric of Hickling and William Josling yeoman of
Hickling, condition bound Stephen Man executor to execute will and produce inventory.
Stephen Man
Wriggan Webster
Wm Josling mark