Stephen Mann 1730 Will, Inventory and Bond
Nottinghamshire Archives PR/NW
In the Name of God amen: April 19th 1729:
I Stephen Man of Hickling in the County of Nottingham tanner Being of perfect Mind and Memory blessed be god for it do Make and ordain this My Last will and testament in Manner and form following
First I give and bequeath My Sole unto the hands of allmighty god My Creator hoping through the Mercies of Jesus Christ My Redeemer to be saved and my Body to be Decently buryed in Hickling Churchyard at the discretion of My Executors heare after mentioned and as for my worldly Estate which god hath been pleased to bestow upon Me I give and bequeath in Manner and form following
Imprs. I give unto My Loveing Brother John Man of Hickling all those houses Lying and being in the Narrow Marsh in Nottingham with all the apurtances there unto belonging now in the tenner and occupation of Robert Hardy and John Leak and Ann Peire and Thomas Dunn to Enter upon emediately after My decease to him and his heirs for ever
Itm I give to My Deer and Loveing wife Mary the interest of Eight Score pounds being now in the hands of widow Cock Late the wife of James Cock of darby tanner to be paid to her Every half yeare during her Natural Life
And as for the principall sume of the above Eight score pounds I give and bequeath to My deer and Loveing Brother John Man of Hickling whom I Make Sole Executor of all My goods cattle and chattle of this My Last will and testament revoking all other will heretofore Maid by My Mee in witness whereof I hereunto put My hand and seal the day and year first above written
Stephen Mann
Signed sealed published and declared in the presence of us:
John Collishaw
Mary Cettlebone her mark
Robert Morriss
April ye 30th 1729
An Inventory of the Goods and Chattell of Stephen Man late deceis – prased by whose Names are here subscribed.
£ | s | d | |
His purse and apparill | 1 | 1 | 2 |
In the house one bedstead and bedding | 8 | 8 | 1 |
7 chears one chest one table one cubard one stool | 0 | 19 | 6 |
In the chichen 2 pans | 0 | 7 | 6 |
One wheel one peel | 0 | 2 | 6 |
One tosing forke and pestel and tongs and frying pan | 0 | 2 | 0 |
One sospan and 6 trenchers | 0 | 2 | 0 |
One flagan one table kichine ware | 0 | 3 | 6 |
In the chamber bedstead and bedding | 0 | 8 | 0 |
2 towles | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Coles | 0 | 4 | 6 |
Wooll and hopeful dets | 160 | 2 | 10 |
Things seen and unseen | 0 | 1 | 4 |
Suma Totalis | 166 | 8 | 11 |
John Daft
Paul Hardey
Bond, bound John Man yeoman of Hickling, Paul Hardy yeoman of Hickling and Edward Collishaw yeoman of Hickling, 16th April 1730, condition bound John Man executor to execute will and produce inventory.
John Man
Paul Hardy
Edward Collishaw