Sarah Mason of Stathern 1830 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1830/123
Whereas Ann Jarvis late of Stathern in the county of Leicester Widow in and by her last Will and testament [see Ann Jarvis 1814 of Stathern Will] in writing bearing date the thirty first day of October One thousand eight hundred and seven duly executed and proved in the Archdeaconry Court of Leicester the eighteenth day of July one thousand and eight hundred and Fourteen Gave and Devised Four Acres and one rood of her lands in Stathern aforesaid part of her Pasture Close and the Sand pit furlong Close Bounded on the North East by a piece of land devised to Dorothy Jarvis On the South East by the Pasture lane on the South West by lands therein devised to trustees for the Uses of William Jackson and Hannah his wife and on the North West by lands of the Rector Unto George Barnes and Thomas Goodson their heirs and assigns upon trust to raise by mortgage the sum of thirty pounds to discharge certain legacies therein bequeathed And by a second mortgage raise the further sum of twenty five pounds in Case her daughter Alice Jarvis died leaving issue And also with the Annuity of Two pounds ten shillings to her daughter Alice for her life And after she Gave and devised the said premises to the said George Barnes and Thomas Goodson their heirs and assigns Upon trust only for the Use and behoof of her son in law Richard Mason and Sarah his Wife during their joint lives and the longer liver of them during his or her life And then to and for the Use of such person and persons and for such estate and estates use and uses and in such shares and proportions manner and form as her said daughter Sarah Mason notwithstanding her present or any future coverture or whether she should be sole of covert should at any time during her life by any deed or deed writing or writings under her hand and seal and attested by two or more credible witnesses or by her last Will and testament in Writing duly executed in the presence of three or more credible witnesses limit or appoint give or devise the same and for want of such limitation or appointment gift or devise to the said behoof of all and every the Child and Children of the body of her said daughter Sarah Mason in equal shares and their respective Heirs and assigns for ever to take as tenants in Common and not as joint tenants As on reference thereto will more fully appear
Now Know all Men by these presents that I the said Sarah Mason the Wife of Richard Mason of Stathern aforesaid Do by virtue of the Power and authority given and reserved to me in and by the aforesaid in part recited Will and by virtue of all and every other power and powers authority and authorities whatsoever enabling me thereto By this my last Will and testament in Writing by me signed sealed published and declared in the presence of the three credible Witnesses whose names are hereunto subscribed Do hereby Give and Devise limit and Appoint All my Estate right title and interest whether in possession reversion remainder or expectancy of and in all that the aforesaid Piece & Parcel of land containing four acres and one rood lying in Stathern aforesaid being part of the Pasture Close and sand pit furlong within the appurtenances so limited in use to me as aforesaid (subject nevertheless to any mortgage now existing thereon also to the annuity payable to the said Alice Jarvis for her life and also to the several legacies and bequests hereinafter by me in this my Will) unto my two sons John Mason and Richard Mason their Heirs and assigns To hold the same and every part thereof unto and to the use of my said two sons John Mason and Richard Mason their Heirs and assigns for ever as tenants in Common subject to the life interest of my said Husband Richard Mason therein
I Give and bequeath the sum of Fifty pounds apiece unto my Son William Mason and my daughters Sarah Cobley and Mary Watkin and Unto my daughter Ann Mason the Sum of Sixty pounds
All which legacies I will shall be paid unto my said sons and daughters by the said John Mason and Richard Mason in equal shares immediately after the decease of my said Husband Richard Mason
And from and immediately after the decease of my said Sister Alice Jarvis then I give the further Sum of Five pounds apiece to my said son William Mason and my daughters Sarah Cobley Mary Watkin and Ann Mason which I will shall be paid to each of them by the said John Mason and Richard Mason
And I do hereby expressly subject and charge the said Piece or Parcel of land above devised with the just and true payment of all the said legacies
And I do hereby appoint my said two Sons John Mason and Richard Mason joint executors of this my last Will and testament
In Witness whereof I the said Sarah Mason have to this my last Will and testament set my hand and seal this twenty fifth day of March One thousand and eight hundred and twenty nine
The mark and seal of Sarah Mason
Signed sealed published and delivered by the said Sarah Mason the testatrix as and for her last Will and testament in the presence of us who have at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other set our hands as Witnesses to the due execution thereof the several interlineations throughout the same being first made
William Greenwood
James Barryston
William Braithwaite
Melton Mowbray 3rd August 1830
Let a probat be made to John Mason and Richard Mason both of Stathern in the County of Leicester Carpenters and Joiners the joint Executors named in the Will of the desed
They having been first duly sworn as well to the faithful Execution of this will and that the Testatrix Goods Chattels and Credits without deducting any debts due and owing by the deceased therefrom did not amount in value to the sum of Twenty pounds
Before me William Greenwood Surr: to the Official
Same day probat passed the seal signed by John Stockdale Hardy Regr
Decd died 23rd Febry 1830