Mason Thomas 1578 of Eastwell will and inventory

Thomas Mason of Eastwell 1578 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1578/75

In the name of god amen the xxi day of Februarye & in the yere of owr lord god 1578 I Thomas Mason of Estwell in the County of Leycester husbandman beyng sicke in body but of good & perfecte rememberance thanks be to god doe make & ordayne this my last wyll & testament in maner & form folowyng

First I bequeth my soul to allmyghty god & my body to be buryed in christen buriall

It I doe gyve to the church of Lyncoln iid

It I doe gyve to John Mason my sonne xxxti shepe the on halfe ewes & the other whethers ii steers ii by a stone cott on yran bownd weene a great spite ii candellstyks ii great platters a bedsted with a mattrys ii blankets ii coverlets ii payre of shetts the on payre flaxen & the other payre harden half an aker of rye the lease of a close called cobs close

It I gyve Wyllm my sonne xxxti shepe the on half ewes & the other half whethers on yron gray mare ii kye iii yerlyng calves half an aker of rye a bed with a mattrys ii blankets ii coverlets ii payre of shetts the on payre flaxen & the other payre harden a great pane the lease of a close called the fyve lees

It I gyve to my wyfe & to my two sonnes all my ween tymber & plowe tymber equally to be devyded amongst them

It I gyve to my dawghter Grace Mason my eldest dawghter xii li

It I gyve to Jane Mason my yonger dawghter xviii li

It I will that yf any of my children doe dye & departe this lyfe before they cume to ther full & parfyt aege then I will that his or ther parte shall equally be devided amongst the rest

It I will that Willm Hethe clerk parson of Estwell shall have the government & the bryngynge up of Willm Mason my sonne & his parte

It I will that Gabriell Bryan my brother in lawe shall have the government & the bryngynge up of Jhon Mason my sonn & his part

It I will that my wyfe shall have the government & the bryngynge up of my two dawghters & ther parts

All the rest of my goods not bequethed I doe gyve & bequeth to my wyf whom I do make the executrix of this my last will & testament

It I doe mak Willm Hethe clerk & Gabriell Bryan my over sears of this my last will & testament

A trewe Inventorye Indented taken of all the goods Cattels apparrell howseholde stuffe money and chattalls wiche late were of Thomas Masons of Estwell in the countye of Lecester late decessed vewed and prised by Henrye Hawtrey Nicholas Perpoynt Richard Picke and Thomas Lord the Second daie of Marche in the xxxth yeare of the raigne of oure Soveraigne ladie Elizabeth by the grace of God of England France and Ireland quene defender of the faithe etc To wete

In the hall  
Item an tabell ii formes i cheare and iiii stoles with an … cupbord viis iiiid
It i great pan ii littell pans i kettell and ii skellets xliiis iiiid
Itm iiii brasse pottes i brassene morter and a pestell xviiis vid
Itm to candellstickes vii platters and ii chaffing dishes xviis
Itm viii pewter dishes vii Sawcers and ii poddingers [sic] viis iid
Itm vi quisshins vis viiid
Suma vi li iid
In the parler  
Itm his purse iiis iiiid
Itm his apparell xxs
Itm vii coverlidds iii blankets & ii matrisses xls
Ite ii bolsters and iiii pillowes vis viiid
It vii paire of flaxen shetes, vi paire of hempen shetes & vii paire of harden shetes iiii li xs
Itm iiii tabelclothes ixs iiiid
Itm v towells and ix tabell napkins xs
Itm vi pillowe beares vis
Itm iiii bedsteads iiiis
Item iiii coffers xs
Itm paynted clothes iiis iiiid
Suma x li iis viiid
In the kytchyn  
Itm a lead vs
Itm the fyre Iron pot hooke brand Irons grydirons tonges fyre shovel & fryepans vs
Itm iii spytes and 8 cobyron iiiis
Itm viii baken Flyckes xxs
Itm cobbes lomes and kyttes with other wodden vessell xiii iiiid
Sum xlviis iiiid
Itm i yoke of oxen vli vis viiid
Itm i … gelldynge xlvis viiid
Itm i gray mare liiis iiiid
Itm i bay fyllye xxxiiis iiiid
Itm i bay mare xxvis viiid
Itm ii … coltte iiii li
Itm i brended cowe with a calfe xlliiis iiiid
Itm i blacke cow with a calfe xxxiiis iiiid
Itm i oulde brended cowe with calve xls
Itm i … hedded cowe with calve xxxiiis iiiid
It i blacke heyther with calve xxxs
Itm i red quye with calve xxs
Itm ii red steares xls
Itm iiii yearlynge calves xls
Suma xxxv li iiis iiiid
Itm … of the beste wethers vi li
Itm x other wether shepe xliiis iiiid
Itm xxxiiii yees xi li xviiis
Itm xxiiity hogges and … v li
Suma xxv li xvid
Itm xx stryke of Rye xxxiiis iiiid
Itm v quarter of barley ls
Itm ii quarter of oates xs
Itm ii quarter and a halfe of pease xiiis iiiid
Itm … quarter and a halfe of maulte xvs
Itm ix acare of Tye in the field vi li
Itm hay iii li
Sum xv li xxd
In the yarde  
Itm ii Ironbound waines iii li xviiis iiiid
Itm ii Iron harrowes vis viiid
Itm ii woodden harrowes xiid
Itm hovell haires ladders pales and wood in the yarde xls
Itm plowe and plowe gaires yokes … culters and shaws xiiis iiiid
Itm plowe tymber and apelltries xls
Itm xv bordes vs
Itm vi hyves xvis
Itm xix olde shepe fleakes vs
Itm vi Swyne xxiiiis
Itm geese and pullyn iiiis
Sum xi li xiiis iiiid
Itm i acxe i hatchet ii Sythes and iiii pycheforkes iiis iiiid
Itm certayne yarne with towe vis viiid
Itm ii wyndoecloethes iii … with syves and scuttell vs
Sum xvs
Itm the lease of his howse vi li xiiis iiiid
Itm ii other leases of ii lyttell closes vii li
Sum xiii li xiiis iiiid

Sum tolis of all the said goods Impellments apparell Chattall and other thynges above mencyoned amountethe to

                                                                                                                                                                     csviii li xviiis iid

Probate 9 April 1578