A History of Hickling to 1860
and of all its Clergy.
by Christopher Granger
Hickling Terrier 1687
true Terrier of all the Glebe Lands Meadows Orchards Gardens Houses Tenements
belonging or being in Hickling Lordship August the Fifteenth Anno din 1687 \
Imprimis A Close by the House Containing three Acres a Parsonage house an orchard a garden in it Two Barnes four bayes each of them a Stable and a hay Barne four bayes seaven bayes of lower buildings and two small bayes of swine houses and one small tenement \
Of the Arrable Land in the wood field; \
- Item One wonge in Broughton gates being eight Lands and a Balke containing Two Acres and a halfe George Man lying north John Daft lying south \
- Item One wonge buting into Barker gates being seaven Lands and two Balks contayning two Acres Richard Smith North Steven Man south \
- Item One wonge and one Headland and a Balke in Rudding hole being foure Lands containing one Acre and A halfe Richard Smith lying east \
- Item One wonge being seaven Lands and a Balke butting on Roodfurrow Close containing one Acre and A halfe Parting ground south Robert Collishaw north \
- Item One wonge being sixe Lands and Two Balks on the Rice Furlonge containing Five Acres Henry James east Widdow Daft west \
The Arrable Land in the Bare land Field \
- Item One Land on the Mors Furlonge being halfe an Acre Richard Smith lying east \ Richard Daft west \
- Item One Land on the same Furlonge being halfe an Acre Richard Daft lying east George Man west \
- Item One other Land on the same Furlonge being half an Acre Robert Stokes lying east Edward Collishaw lying west \
- Item Foure Lands on the same Furlonge being Two Acres John Daft lying east \ Mary Daft lying west \
- Item Two Lands on the same Furlonge being Three Roods Steven Pickard lying east and William Smalley lying west \
- Item Two other Lands on the same Furlonge being one Acre Lynsdale Land lying east and Hugh Gill lying west \
- Item Three Lands of the same Furlonge being one Acre and a Roode John Collishaw lying east Parting Balke lying west \
- Item One other Land of the same Furlonge one Rood Richard Daft lying east Lawrence Robinson lying west \
- Item Two Lands on the same Furlonge being half an Acre William Morris lying west \ John Musson lying east\
- Item Three Lands in Norborrow being one Acre and a Roode Thomas Daft lying west and George Man lying east \
- Item One wonge being sixe Lands and a Balke on the south side on the topp Millnerry gate being one Acre and a Roode Parting Balke lying north Steven Man \
- Item Three Lands on the same Furlonge being one Acre and a halfe Hugh Gill lying east \
- Item Foure Lands on short Thunburrow being one Acre and a halfe with a Balke George Man south and John Mariot lying north \
- Item One Land butting into Stobrooke containing halfe a Roode Steven Pickard lying south Steven Daft lying north\
- Item Foure Lands att Thrussill end being being Two Acres Steven Man lying north Henry Browne lying west \
- Item Two Lands and a Balke on Range lands containing halfe an Acre Thomas Parlebey lying south and William Simson lying north \
- Item One wonge and and Two Balks on swine pitts being sixe Lands containing one Acre and a halfe Steven Man lying on both sides \
- Item Foure Lands on the same Furlonge one Acre John Daft lying east George Man lying west \
- Item Three Lands on Bare Lands being one Acre Mr Mansfeild lying east and Lawrence Robinson lying west \
- Item Two Lands on the same furlonge being one Acre John Daft lying east William \ Smalley lying west \
- Item One Land on the same Furlonge containing one Roode Widdow Daft lying on \ both sides \
The Ley Ground in the Bareland field \
- Item Eight leyes on More Furlonge Foure Acres Mr Mansfeild lying east and Lawrence Robinson lying west \
- Item Seaven leyes hard by Butchards platt side contayning one Acre and a halfe \ Steven Pickard south Edward Collishaw north \
- Item sixe leyes and one Balke contayning Two Acres and a halfe Steven Man lying east and George Man lying west \
- Item Ten leyes on Thrussell end contyining Two Acres with one Balke Thomas Daft \ lying east \
Arable Land on the Nether Field \
- Item Five Lands with a head land a Balke in Land Meare contayning one Acre and a halfe John Collishaw lying west \
- Item one little side Land on longe Hades containing halfe a Rood Commons lying \ south and Thomas Parleby lying north \
- Item Five Lands att Claxton Bridge and Two Balks containing Two Acres Thomas d Daft lying north John Smith lying south \
- Item Two Lands on the same furlonge contayning Three Roodes John Collishaw \ lying south Robert lying north \
- Item Three Lands in Upper sedge lands containing one Acre Steven Pickard lying east and George Man lying west \
- Item Foure Lands in Middle sedge lands contayning three Roodes Steven Daft lying east Hugh Gill lying west \
- Item Two Lands in Beanie Lands contayning halfe a Acre Hugh Gill lying south \ Henry James lying north \
- Item One wonge being sixe Lands and Two Balks on the same Furlonge contayning Three Acres Thomas Daft lying south Steven Daft lying north \
- Item One Land att Rooe bushes containing one Roode Mr Mansfeild lying north \ Steven Man lying south \
- Item sixe Lands in new brakes with the Road Lay end contayning Two Acres att the nether end Edward Collishaw west Steven Pickard east \
- Item Sixe Lands in Upper new brakes and Two Pikes and a Balke contayning Two Acres Richard Daft north Steveb Pickard west \
- Item One Land att Person yard end contayning one Roode and a half George Man \ lying south and Lawrence Robinson lying north \
- Item One Land in Coulston gates contaying one one Roode Robert Daft lying south and Steven Pickard lying north \
- Item One other Land in the same Furlonge contayning one Roode John Daft lying \ south John Collishaw lying north \ The Ley Ground on the Nether Field \
- Item Sixe Leyes and one Balke in sowbrooke being one Acre Steven Pickard lying \ north and John strong lying south \
- Item One Ley on Blacke land end being a quarter of A Roode Henry James lying \ north William Stevenson lying south \
- Item Three Leyes on Manny Leyes being Three Roode Robert Smith west and Steven Man lying east \
- Item Foure Leyes and a head leyand a Balke in Manny Leyes being Three Roofes John Smith lying south \
- Item Foure Leyes and a Pike in water leyes being one Acre Lawrence Godfrey lying south Steven Pickard lying north \
- Item Five Leyes and a head lye in eaton Manny Leys being Three Acres John Daft\ lying north \
- Item Three Leyes in upper new brakes being Three Roodes Lawrence east and a \ Parting Balke lying west \
- Item Eight Leyes on the same Furlonge being Three Roodes Steven Daft lying on Both sides \
- Item One Water Ley on the Toft side being one Roode Parting grasse lying east and Hugh Gill on the west \
- Item One Ley on the same Furlonge being one Roode Mr Mansfeild lying west Nicholas Man lying on the east\
- Item Two Leyes att person yards end being Three Roodes George Man lying north\
The Woulds Ground \
- Item Foure Acres on the Woulds Steven Pickard lying on the east \\
Fisher Rr John Daft John Collishaw John Man\
George Man Hugh Gill Henry James \
Richard Blower Edward Collishaw\ Church warden }