Thomas Ackerston of Scalford 1572 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1572/14
In the name of God amen the xiith daye of July in the yeare of our lorde god a thousand fyve hundrethe three score and xii I Thomas Akerston of good and perfecte memorie thankes be geven to god doe make this my laste will and testament in maner and forme folowinge
Firste I bequethe my soule to god and my bodye to be buryed in the churche yeard of Scalford
Itm I bequeth and geve to Samson Johnson my cowe
Itm I geve to Joyse Johnson a brasse pot and three arkes
Itm I geve to Grace Johnson all my Implements that I have within the house and I will she have vis iiiid the which Willm Wylkynson dothe owe unto mee of goodbye [Goadby]
The reste of my goods unbequethed I geve unto Ric Johnsonne whom I make myne executor
Probate 29 July 1572