Henry Alcock of Eaton 1614 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/237/22
In the name of god Amen, the eight daye of October in the yeare of our Lord god accordinge to the Cumputacon of the Church of England One thousand sixe hundreth & thirteene I Henry Alcocke of Eaton in the Countie of Leicester gent beinge (God be thanked) of good and perfect remembrance, doe make my last will & testament in manner and Forme followinge
First I recommend my soule into the hands of Almightie god trustinge to be saved by the meritts of Jesus Christ my onelie redeemer, and my bodye to be buried in the Church yard of Eaton at the discretion of my executrix
Itm I give to the poore people of Eaton twentie shillings to be distributed by my executrix accordinge as she thinketh good
Itm I give to Elizabeth my wife all my goods & Chattells whatsoever or wheresoever they be whom I make executrix of this my last will & testament to see my funeral chardgs & my debts paid & my children brought up accordinglie to the true meaninge of this my will
And further I geve to my said wife Twentie pownds a yeare, to be paid unto her yerelye within my nowe dwellinge howse in Eaton at or upon the tenthe daye of October & the first daye of Aprill by even porcons For the payment whereof I will that my brothers hereafter appointed in this my testament to sell my Lands shall geve suche assurance as by my said wife shalbe reasonablye demanded
Itm I will & doe herebye give full power and authoritie to Robert Alcocke my brother & Thomas Pepys, Apollo Pepys & Talbott Pepys my brothers in lawe, and to any three or twoe of them (soe that the said Robert Alcocke be one if he be lyvinge) with all convenient speede to sell all my lands tenements hereditaments as well free as Copye for & at the best price that any man will geve for the same, And the money thereby made and arisinge shalbe imployed & bestowed by them as hereafter in this my last will is mentioned appointed & sett downe
First I will that Roger my eldest sonne shall have twoe hundreth pounds thereof to be paid unto him within sixe monethes next after the decease of my said wife together with interest for the said six monethes
Itm I will that unto everye of my three eldest daughters, Isabell Edithe & Anne, there shalbe paid of the said … one hundreth marks at suche tyme as the shall accomplishe their several ages of twentie & one yeres, or be bestowed in mariage which shall first happen, And in the meane time that the profitts thereof to be made by lettinge the same yerelie for iis in the pownde for one yeare shalbe paid yerelie unto myne executrix at my nowe dwellinge house in Eaton at the tenthe daye of October & the first daye of Aprill by equall porcons towards the education of my said three daughters whom I appoint to remaine at her desposinge
Itm I will that unto everye of my three youngest sonnes, George, Marke, & Thomas, there shalbe paid of the said money threescore pounds together with the increase thereof to be made by lawe accordinge to the Statute duringe their severall minorities, at such times as they shall accomplish their severall ages of twentie & one yeres, Savinge that during everye of their minorities there shalbe paid yerelie at the tymes and place abovesaid unto my executrix towards the education of everye of them three pounds by equall portions
Itm I will that unto my daughter Hester there shalbe paid of the said money Forty pounds together with the increase thereof by lawe according to the Statute duringe her minoritie & single life, at suche time as she shall accomplishe the full age of twentie & one yeares, or be bestowed in mariage, which shall first happen, savinge that in the meane tyme there shalbe paid yerelie at the times & place abovesaid unto my executrix toward the education of my said daughter Fortye shillings by equall portions
Item I will that if it happen that any of my three eldest daughters shall depart this life before they receive their portions that then the said portion or portions shall remayne to the other twoe of one then survivinge And lykewise if any of my fowre yongest children shall dye before they receive their portions, then I will that the rest of them fowre survivinge shall have all suche benefytt, porcons & increase as by this my last will is intended & ment unto them that shall soe depart this life
And alsoe if Roger my sonne or all my said three eldest daughters or all my said fowre yongest children shall departe this life before they receive their porcons, then I will that the porcon or porcons of him them or any of them soe dyinge shalbe equallie devided unto the rest of my children them survivinge
And howsoever it shall happen that any of them shall dye as aforesaid, yet I will that my executrix shall yearlye receive suche Somes money as are herein menconed to be paid unto her Provided notwithstandinge & my will & meaninge is that if any of my sonnes shall dye within age and leave behind him issue of his bodye lawfullie begotten, that then the said issue shall have all suche portions & benefite as by this my last will is geven & intended unto him my sonne soe departinge this life
Itm I will that my executrix shall receive the wholl profitts of all my lands tenements and hereditaments untill they be sould, accodinge to the intent & meaninge of this my restament
And if my free holds and free Lands shalbe sould for more than fowre hundreth pounds I will that my wife shall have the said overplus to her owne use
Itm I will that if there shalbe any surplusage or overplus of money made by sale of my lands tenements & hereditaments more than is by this my last will bequeathed or disposed, that then the same shall upon receipt thereof be putt out to the best benefitt of Roger my sonne & paid unto him together with the use money thereof when & as soone as he shall accomplishe the full age of twentie & one yeares in parte of payment of the said twoe hundreth pounds to him before bequeathed And then that so muche of the said twoe hundreth pounds shalbe equallie devided to my three yongest sonnes as shalbe paid unto Roger my sonne at his full age of twentie & one yeares, And that then the same shalbe paid & imployed to their onelye benefitte in such manner & forme as is by this my last will before appointed for their porcons & bequests
Lastlie I will & desire that if any controversie doubte or difference shall hereafter arise touchinge any thinge in this my will conteyned betweene any parties herein menconed to execute any parte therof that then the same shall & maye be heard and determyned by my welbeloved friends Mr Robert Welles of Cambridge & Mr Robert Turner of Trinitye Hall in Cambridge or one of them whom I entreate & appoint to be my ioynt & several Supervisors of this my last will & testament
In witnesse whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name the daye & yeare first above written in the presence of
Henry Alcocke
Robert Alcocke
Edward Scott
Richard Essex
Nicholas Rimmington
Probate Melton Mowbray 11 January 1613/4