John Alley of Long Clawson 1579 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Will and Probate Records 1579
In the name of God Amen in the yeare of our Lord god 1579 the xi daye of Januarye and in the xxi yeare of the raygne of our Soverayngne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of queen of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faythe &c wyttnesseth That I John Alye of Claxton weake beinge sicke in Bodye and of good and perfect remembrance Doe oredayne and mayke this my laste wyll & Testament In manner and forme here following
First I Bequeth my Soule into the hands of Almightye god my maker and Redemer and my Bodye to be Buryed in the Churchyarde of Claxton my parishe Churche
Itm I Bequeath to the poore manne iid
Itm to Colleton Haven iid
Itm to my Curate for all my tythes and offerings by me negligentlye forgotten iffe anye suche be iiiid
Itm I wyll that Jone my wyffe Christopher Alye my sonne and William Alye my sonne have all my Tenement with the appurtenance to them joyntlye together and ife my wyffe go marye to have no ryght in the tenement providded alwayes that when William my sonne dothe marie he hymselfe a wyfe to have halfe the furniture of my shoppe and so to departe from my sayd Tenement
Itm I Bequeath to William Alie my sonne a cowe at the daye of his maryage
Itm I Bequeath to my sonne John Alye xls within one yeare after my Departure
Itm I Bequeath to W… … my Daughter Jones husband a cuple of pewter dyshes a Brasse potte and a strike of wheat for her Childes parte
Itm I wyle to Thomas …der the husband of my Daughter Margaret a cople of pewter dyshes and xiid
Itm I Bequeath to my sonne Robert Ailye xiid
Itm I Bequeath to Thomas Hardatt husband to my Daughter Elizabeth a couple of pewter dishes and xiid
Itm I Bequeath to my sonne Thomas Ailye xs
Itm I Bequeath the rest of my goode and cattells [sic] unbequeathed to Jone my wyffe and Chrystopher Alye my sonne whom I orden and make Jointe executors of this my last will and Testament these witnesses Christpher Goodrom Vicar Richard Hoskyne and Robte Alye my sonne
Thys ys the trewe Inventory of all the gudds and cattels of Jhno Alye of Claxton Decessed prysed and valued the xiiii daye of February by Ales …. Wyllyam Maryet Rycharde Hycling Edward Gye and Thomas …
Imprimis hys apparell & mone in hys pursse | xxs | |
It all hys Meate beasse | vl xiiis iiiid | |
It A mare and A fole | xls xiiis iiiid | |
It the Swyne | xxs | |
It the corne & hey | iiiil | |
It the weaving lomes & all other inplemits | xls | |
It all the implemits in the kechen | xxs | |
It the … and … geares | xxvis viiid | |
It the hovell geares and other wodden geare | xxs | |
It the weate sowen | xxxiiis iiiid | |
It barle fallows & peasse leasse | xxs | |
It the puter and brasse | xls iiis iiiid | |
It the spytte and cobbers wythe other yorne | viiis | |
It the bedding wythe paynted clothes | iiiil | |
It the implemets in the chamber | xxs | |
It the napery ware | xiiis iiiid | |
It a couple of Amberyes with other implemits | xxs | |
It the baken | xiiis iiiid | |
It the pullin | iiiis | |
It Jhon … dette | vl | |
It hey and peasse folde | xvs | |
Suma totalis | xxxviiil xiis viiid |