Robert Allsopp of Ab Kettleby 1615 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1615/9
In the name of God Amen In the tenth day of Januarie 1615 [1615/6] And in the thirteenth yeare of our Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god Kinge of England Scottland France and Ireland Defender of the faith &c
I Roberte Allsope of Ab Kettleby in the County of Leic being of good and perfect remembrance praysed bee god therefore doe make and ordayne this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge
First I recommend my Soule to Almighty god &c And my bodie to bee buried in the parish Church or Churchyard of Ab Kettleby aforesaid &c
Item I give unto Agnes my wife five sheepe namely three ewes and two hogges And Commons for them
Item I give unto Agnes my wife three strikes of Barly yearely soe long as William my Sonn and Agnes my wife doe continue togeither in one house
I give unto Agnes my wife one bedstead in the nether parlour with one mattris and boulster and two pillowes and two payre of hempen sheetes and one payre of flaxen sheetes two blankets and one Coverlid
Item I give unto my daughter Joane xiid
Item I give unto my brother John xiid
Item I give unto my brother Henrie xiid
Item I give unto my brother Richard xiid
Item I give unto my brother Clement xiid
Item I give unto sister Agnes xiid
Item I give unto my sister Alec xiid
Item I give unto the poore of Ab Kettleby two shillinges
Item I give the rest of my goodes unbequeathed unto William my son whome I make and ordayne the sole executor of this my will And William Stoakes my brother and Roger Steele the overseers of this my last will and Testament
Richard Allsop his marke [sic, Parish Registers show Robert]
William Neale Marke
Robert Allsop his marke
Probate 27 February 1615/6