Austin Henry 1693 of Grimston Will

Henry Austin of Grimston 1693 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1693

This is a probate copy of a will and contains a lot of blanks.  Since they refer largely to things where there would have been no doubt as to what should be inserted, rather than checking for example details of someone’s name or the amount of a bequest before filling in the gap at signature, it would seem likely that the will from which this copy was made was badly damaged.  Where it is clear, at least approximately, what the wording would have been this has been entered in quotation marks in square brackets.

In the name of God amen I Henery Austin of Grimston in the County of [“Leicester”] being of reasonable disposition of body and of sound mind and memory but knowing the uncertainty [“of this”] humaine Life doe make this my last Will and Testament and do hereby revoike all former and other [“wills”] made and hereby make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament

And first and principally I commend [“my soul to”] God my creator Trusting to be saved by the merritts and mediation of Jesus Christ my redeemer and my [“body to the”] Earth from whence it was taken to be buried in such a decent manner as to my Executrix hereafter [“named”] thought meet and Convenient and as touching such worldly Estate as the Lord in mercy hath lent [“ to me my”] meaning is the same shall be imployed and bestowed as hereafter by this my last will [words to the effect of “I ordain”]

Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Austin my Eldest Son the sume of Ten Shillings to be [“paid by my “] Executrix hereafter named within one yeare next after my decease

Item I give and bequeath [“unto”] the Son of Richard Greasly my Grandchild the Sume of Ten Shillings to be paid unto him by my [“Executrix hereafter”] named within one yeare next after my decease

Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth [blank] the Sume of Threescore pounds of Currant money of England to be paid [“unto her by my Executrix hereafter”] named within one yeare next after my decease

Item I give unto Henery Austin my Second [“Son” then an unknown number] and halfe yardland in Asfordby with all the Appurtts thereunto belonging and to the heirs of his body [“lawfully to be begotten”] for ever but for want of such Issue then to John Austin my third son and to the heires of his [“body lawfully to”] be begotten for ever and for want of such Issue Then to William Austin my fourth Son and to [“the heirs of”] his body lawfully to be begotten for ever but for want of such Issue Then to my daughters Mary and Sussana [blank]

Item I give unto my Second Daughter Mary Austin the Sum of Threescore ten pounds [“of current”] money of England to be paid unto her by my Executrix hereafter named when she shall be age of one and twenty yeares

Ite I give and bequeath unto Sussanna my third Daughter the sum of Threescore [“pounds of”] currant money of England to be paid unto her by my Executrix hereafter named when she shall be the age of one and twenty yeares and if either of them depart this life before they attaine [“the age aforesaid”] then the portion shall go to the other and if it shall soe happen that they both depart [“depart this life before”] they attaine to the age aforesaid then their portions to go amongst and equally to my Sons Henry [blank]

And concerning the Enjoyments of my houses lands untill my three Sons Henery John and William comes aige my will and mind [“is that”] my deare and loveing wife shall and ejoy them untill my said Sons shall attaine to the aige of one and [“twenty”] respectively according to their severall ages if shee soe long keepe her a Widdow but if shee be married and [blank] before they be at aige then my will and mind is that my three Sons Henery Austin John Austin and Will [“iam Austin shall”] enter of the said houses and landes accordingly as it is given to them by me before in this my last Will and [“Testament”]

Immediately after such time as she shall be married and the rents and profits thereof to goe forward for [blank] I have disposed of it to each of them before by this my Will

Ite all the rest of my money Goodes Cattell [blank] in whose hands Custody or possession soever they bee or any of them are or may be found I doe give and bequeath [“unto my”] deare and loveing wife whom I doe make my sole and onely executrix of this my last Will and Testament [“and I make”] and appoint Thomas Duckitt of Ashby Folvile yeoman in the County of Leicester and James ward of Twyford in the [“said county”] to be Overseers for my Sons to see this my last Will and Testamt: performed and doe give them Twenty Sh [“illings apiece”]

In Witnesses whereof I the said Henery Austin have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the seaventh [“day of”] January in the year of our Lord God one Thousand six hundred ninety and two

                                                                                                                Henry Austin

Signed sealed and published and declared to be the last Will and Testament of the above said Henery Austin in the presence of us whose names are here subscribed

Richard Ward

Will Bower

Edward Peeires his marke

44’28 1322/284

A true Inventory of all the Goods moneys Cattell and Chattells of Henery Austin of Grimson in the County of Leicester yeoman laite deceased Priesed and valued at Grimston aforesaid the Seaventh day of August in the year of our Lord God One Thousand six hundred and ninety three by us whose names are hereunder written

Imprimis his purse and apparel500
It Ready money1000
It money oweing by bond1000
It money oweing without bond11150
It Househould goods in total27150
It for one wagon three cartes three hovells: house rales and mangers and   
all other impliments for husbandry17168
It for Corne threshed and unthreshed1400
It for wooll in total1680
It for hay in total1368
It for Coales and the Quornes2100
It for fleakes and cribbs100
It for Nine and Twenty beasts70100
It for Eleaven Score and eight sheepe8768
It for sixteene horses and Maires7200
It for fiftie seaven akers of wheat barly and pease82100
It for swine in the yard    200
Item due to the Landlords for rent I owe of the abovesaid Inventory  240000
The 24 li deducted total is4291800

Will: Collins

William James

John Ellis