Austin John 1720 of Grimston Inventory

Thomas Austin of Grimston 1720 Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1720

September 19th 1720

A True & Perfect Inventory of the Goods, Cattle and Chattles of Mr Thomas Austin, lately Deceased, of Grimston in the Parish of Rothly, in the County of Leicester

Imprimis The Personal Apparel020000
In The House   
For Pewter Dishes, Pewter Candle Sticks, Plates, a Pewter Bason and C… Cupp,   
Three Tables, a Pewter Shelf, a Dresser, Six Chairs, a frying-Pan, a Fire-Iron,   
Hooks, a Wrack Iron, Candle Sticks, one Lanthorn, & one Pair of Bellows021200
For things in the Parlour   
A Bed & Beding, one Press, one Chess of Drawers, a Cupboard, 2 Tables, one   
Coffer & 9 Chairs010500
For things in the Maid’s Parlour   
For one Bed & Beding001000
The Value of what is in the Best Chamber   
For the Bed, & all its Furniture, one Case of Drawers, Five Chairs, one Table,   
One Looking-Glass and the Matt050100
For Linnen & Sheets030500
The Value of the things in the Little Chamber   
For one Table, one Bed, the Beding, Bedstead & Two Chairs001706
The Value of what is in the Cheese Chamber   
For the Cheese, Cheese-Boards, for an Old Coffer & a Linnen Wheel021106
The Value of what is in the Servant’s Garret   
For a Bed, Beding & Bedstead000800
The Value of what is contained in the Granary   
For Three Sacks & four Sieves, for a Strike & 2 Skips000900
The Value of what is contained in the Dairy & Buttery   
For Tubbs, Barrels, Butter, Bowls, Meal Sieves, a Churn & a Pestle011306
For things in the Brew-house   
For a Copper, a Boyler, a Cheese-Press, Brass-Pans, Two Meal Kindles & one   
Washing-Kindle, one Swilling Tubb, a Cheese-Tubb and Milking Pails040800
For things forgot & unseen001304
The Value of things out of Doors   
For 2 Horses170000
For 3 Horses080000
For Eleven Cows & a Calf261506
For 68 Sheep & Lambs260000
For Swine & Swine Troughs060406
For Harness for 6 Horses a Waggon 2 Carts, 2 Plows, 3 Harrows & Ladders160106
For Racks, Mangers, Standings, a Chaffhouse, Kurns, a Horse-Trough, a Fann,   
Fold-Fleaks and a Hopper030400
For the Grass of both the Closses, for the Hay that stands there, & the Corn   
that grew there170000
For Barley, Beans & Hay851206
For the Ground that is Dressed for Sowing  290500
The Sum Total2350300
The Contents of what is Contained in this Sheet of Paper   
In the 1st page141300
In the 2d page110010
In the 3d page2350300
The Summ Total2601610

Prized and Valued by us whose hands are here subscribed

Matt: Cant

Robert Wartnaby

Bond, bound John Stephens gent of Shoby and John Blankley yeoman of Ab Kettleby 13 September 1720, condition bound John Stephens, principal creditor and administrator of Thomas Austin late of Grimston intestate to produce an inventory and administer estate